post-review 1.3.0

Creator: railscoder56

Last updated:

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postreview 1.3.0

This package provides a command line interface for posting code reviews and merge requests
The post-review package works on Python versions:

2.7.x and greater
3.3.x and greater

The post-review package works with these services:

GitHub Hosted
GitLab Hosted

The easiest way to install post-review is to use pip:
$ pip install post-review
If you already have post-review installed and want to upgrade to the latest version:
$ pip install --upgrade post-review

Getting Started
post-review is able to determine your git service automatically. There is a one-time setup
that is required to fetch your git service API keys – but post-review will instruct you at this
The quickest way to get started is to just run the post-review command:
$ post-review --target <target_branch>
Assuming you are using GitLab Hosted, this is what you will see for your one time setup:
$ post-review --target <target_branch>

(One Time Setup) Please create a Personal Access Token
Scope: API, Expires: Never

Please enter your Personal Access Token: <paste_your_token_here>
The above requires you to navigate to the GitLab link to create an access token.
You will need to use the API scope and make sure that it does not expire – or can rotate too.
This allows grants permission for post-review to create a merge request.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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