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postcodeparseruk 1.1.1
UK Postcodes Library
The UK Postcodes Library is a comprehensive Python library designed to handle UK postcode validation and parsing. It provides multiple handlers for parsing postcodes using various methods, including regular expressions, API calls, and CSV files. The library is suitable for both online and offline use cases, offering flexibility and ease of use for developers working with UK postcode data.
Python 3.10 (tested, should work with other versions too)
Additional dependencies are listed in the requirements.txt file.
How to Install
Using PyPI
The easiest way to install the UK Postcodes Library is by using PyPI:
pip install postcode_parser_uk
Using the Wheel File from Releases
Download the .whl file from the releases page.
Install the .whl file using PIP:
pip install path_to_whl_file.whl
Cloning the Repository and Building with Makefile
Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/JasonKaufman86/postcode-parser-uk
cd postcode-parser-uk
Install the dependencies:
make install
Build the project:
make build
Install the built package:
pip install dist/package_name.whl
How to Use
Using the UkPostcodeParser Class with the Default Handler:
from postcode_parser_uk import UkPostcodeParser
# Create an instance of the UkPostcodeParser class
parser = UkPostcodeParser()
# Parse a single postcode using the default handler (RegexParsingHandler)
# Postcodes are normalized before parsing (whitespace stripped, converted to uppercase)
result = parser.parse("SW1W 0NY")
# Validate the result
if result.is_valid:
# Handle failure
if result.is_failure:
# Get the parsed postcode
parsed_postcode = result.value
Overview of Parsing Handlers
The UK Postcodes Library provides several handlers for parsing UK postcodes:
RegexParsingHandler: Uses regular expressions to parse standard and special UK postcodes.
OSDataHubNamesAPIParsingHandler: Uses the OS Data Hub Names API to parse UK postcodes.
PostcodesIOAPIParsingHandler: Uses the Postcodes.io API to parse UK postcodes.
ONSPDCSVFileParsingHandler: Uses the ONSPD CSV file to parse UK postcodes.
The RegexParsingHandler uses regular expressions to parse UK postcodes that follow the standard format as well as special UK postcodes that do not follow the standard format. This handler is useful for parsing postcodes offline without the need for an internet connection.
Postcode Regular Expression
The postcode validation is based on BS7666 and is not case-sensitive. The validation is implemented by evaluating the postcode string against the following regular expressions:
^[A-Z]{1,2}[0-9R][0-9A-Z]? ?[0-9][ABDEFGHJLNPQRSTUWXYZ]{2}$
^BFPO ?[0-9]{1,4}$
^([AC-FHKNPRTV-Y]\d{2}|D6W)? ?[0-9AC-FHKNPRTV-Y]{4}$
The postcode must satisfy at least one of these regular expressions. For more details, you can refer to the Web Services Interface Specification (PDF), specifically on page 77.
from postcode_parser_uk import RegexParsingHandler
regex_handler = RegexParsingHandler()
# Parse a single postcode using the regex handler
# Postcodes are normalized before parsing (whitespace stripped, converted to uppercase)
result = regex_handler.parse("SW1W 0NY")
# Validate the result
if result.is_valid:
print(result.value) # Output the parsed postcode
# Handle failure
if result.is_failure:
print(result.error) # Output the error
# Get the parsed postcode
parsed_postcode = result.value # UKPostCode or SpecialUKPostCode object
The OSDataHubNamesAPIParsingHandler uses the OS Data Hub Names API to parse UK postcodes. The API requires an API key to access the service. You can sign up for an API key here: OS Data Hub.
Optionally, you can set the OSDATAHUB_API_KEY in the environment. This can be done using a .env file placed in the root directory.
from postcode_parser_uk import OSDataHubNamesAPIParsingHandler
osdatahub_api_handler = OSDataHubNamesAPIParsingHandler(api_key="your_api_key_here")
# Parse a single postcode using the OS Data Hub API handler
# Postcodes are normalized before parsing (whitespace stripped, converted to uppercase)
result = osdatahub_api_handler.parse("SW1W 0NY")
# Validate the result
if result.is_valid:
# Handle failure
if result.is_failure:
# Get the parsed postcode
parsed_postcode = result.value
The PostcodesIOAPIParsingHandler uses the Postcodes.io API to parse UK postcodes. The API does not require an API key to access the service. You can find more information about the API here: Postcodes.io.
from postcode_parser_uk import PostcodesIOAPIParsingHandler
postcodesio_api_handler = PostcodesIOAPIParsingHandler()
# Parse a single postcode using the Postcodes.io API handler
# Postcodes are normalized before parsing (whitespace stripped, converted to uppercase)
result = postcodesio_api_handler.parse("SW1W 0NY")
# Validate the result
if result.is_valid:
# Handle failure
if result.is_failure:
# Get the parsed postcode
parsed_postcode = result.value
The ONSPDCSVFileParsingHandler uses a ONSPD CSV file to parse UK postcodes. The handler requires the path to the zipped ONSPD CSV file. These files can be downloaded from the website: ONS Geoportal. For example, ONS Postcode Directory (May 2024). When using the file, keep the file zipped and provide the path to the zipped file. This handler is useful for parsing postcodes offline without the need for an internet connection.
from postcode_parser_uk import ONSPDCSVFileParsingHandler
onspd_excel_file_handler = ONSPDCSVFileParsingHandler(path="path_to_zipped_onspd_csv_file_here")
# Parse a single postcode using the ONSPD CSV file handler
# Postcodes are normalized before parsing (whitespace stripped, converted to uppercase)
result = onspd_excel_file_handler.parse("SW1W 0NY")
# Validate the result
if result.is_valid:
# Handle failure
if result.is_failure:
# Get the parsed postcode
parsed_postcode = result.value
Using the UkPostcodeParser Class
The UkPostcodeParser class provides a high-level interface for parsing UK postcodes using different handlers.
from postcode_parser_uk import UkPostcodeParser
# Create an instance of the UkPostcodeParser class
parser = UkPostcodeParser(
# Parse a single postcode using the default handler (RegexParsingHandler)
# Postcodes are normalized before parsing (whitespace stripped, converted to uppercase)
result = parser.parse("SW1W 0NY")
# To use other handlers, specify the handler type when calling the parse method
# Handler types: 'regex', 'osdatahub_api', 'postcodesio_api', 'onspd_excel_file'
# regex_handler_result = parser.parse("SW1W 0NY", handler_type='regex')
# osdatahub_api_handler_result = parser.parse("SW1W 0NY", handler_type='osdatahub_api')
# postcodesio_api_handler_result = parser.parse("SW1W 0NY", handler_type='postcodesio_api')
# onspd_excel_file_handler_result = parser.parse("SW1W 0NY", handler_type='onspd_excel_file')
# If not specified the handler type will default to "regex"
result = parser.parse("SW1W 0NY", handler_type='osdatahub_api')
# Validate the result
if result.is_valid:
# Handle failure
if result.is_failure:
# Get the parsed postcode
parsed_postcode = result.value
# Parsing a batch
results = parser.parse_batch(["SW1W 0NY", "PO16 7GZ", "GU16 7HF", "L1 8JQ"])
How to Test
Using Makefile
In the root folder, execute:
make test
Manually Running Tests
In the root folder, execute:
python -m unittest discover -s tests
Additional Information
Uk postcodes
For more information on UK postcodes, including special cases and formatting rules, you can refer to the Wikipedia page on Postcodes in the United Kingdom.
The Makefile provides a set of commands to streamline development workflow.
Makefile Commands
Install Dependencies: Create a virtual environment and install all dependencies.
make install
Run Tests: Execute all tests using unittest.
make test
Lint Code: Check the code for linting errors using flake8.
make lint
Format Code: Format the code using black.
make format
Prepare: Run tests, lint, and format the code.
make prepare
Build: Build the project into a wheel file.
make build
All: Install dependencies, run all checks, and build the project.
make all
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