powerful-agents 0.0.4

Creator: railscoder56

Last updated:

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powerfulagents 0.0.4

Agents are lightweight microservices with built-in interprocess communications infrastructure using ZeroMQ



Graceful boot & shutdown with resource cleanup done correctly
User setup/shutdown override methods for graceful boot & shutdown
ZeroMQ communications is done in a thread safe manner using queues (ZeroMQ is not threadsafe)
Socket data is received through Observables using RxPy
Nicely formatted logs using self.log

Powerful Agents

Pub/sub notification facilities
Router/client facilities
Simple Messaging protocol for standard facilities (notifications, client, etc ..)
Elliptical curve encryption and authentication
Production ready communication architectures
Mesh networks (TODO)
... (TODO)

Very Powerful Agents

REST server routes (TODO)
RPC endpoints (TODO)
File sharing (TODO)
... (TODO)

# install from git
git clone https://github.com/shirecoding/VeryPowerfulAgents.git
cd VeryPowerfulAgents
pip3 install ./

# install from pypi
pip install powerful-agents

Simple Echo Server & Client
import zmq
import time
import threading
from agents import Agent

class EchoServer(Agent):

def setup(self, name=None, address=None):
self.connection = self.bind_socket(zmq.REP, {}, address)

def echo(self, xs):

class Client(Agent):

def setup(self, name=None, address=None):
self.counter = 0

# receive
self.connection = self.connect_socket(zmq.REQ, {}, address)
self.connection.observable.subscribe(lambda x: self.log.info(f"received: {x}"))

# begin sending forever, add to managed threads for graceful cleanup
t = threading.Thread(target=self.send_forever)

def send_forever(self):
# use exit event to gracefully exit loop and graceful cleanup
while not self.exit_event.is_set():
self.counter += 1
multipart_message = [str(self.counter).encode()]
self.log.info(f"sending: {multipart_message}")

if __name__ == '__main__':
echo_server = EchoServer(name='server', address='tcp://')
client = Client(name='client', address='tcp://')

INFO [agent=server] booting up ...
INFO [agent=server] running user setup ...
INFO [agent=server] binding 4 socket on tcp:// ...
INFO [agent=server] booted in 0.00168609619140625 seconds ...
INFO [agent=server] start processing sockets ...
INFO [agent=client] booting up ...
INFO [agent=client] running user setup ...
INFO [agent=client] connecting 3 socket to tcp:// ...
INFO [agent=client] booted in 0.0009851455688476562 seconds ...
INFO [agent=client] start processing sockets ...
INFO [agent=client] sending: [b'1']
INFO [agent=client] received: [b'1']
INFO [agent=client] sending: [b'2']
INFO [agent=client] received: [b'2']
INFO [agent=client] sending: [b'3']
INFO [agent=client] received: [b'3']
INFO [agent=client] sending: [b'4']
INFO [agent=client] received: [b'4']
INFO [agent=client] sending: [b'5']
INFO [agent=client] received: [b'5']

Pub/sub notifications
import zmq
import time
import threading
from agents import PowerfulAgent, Message

class NotificationBroker(PowerfulAgent):

def setup(self, name=None, pub_address=None, sub_address=None):
self.create_notification_broker(pub_address, sub_address)

class Sender(PowerfulAgent):

def setup(self, name=None, pub_address=None, sub_address=None):
self.counter = 0
self.pub, self.sub = self.create_notification_client(pub_address, sub_address)

# begin sending forever, add to managed threads for graceful cleanup
t = threading.Thread(target=self.send_forever)

def send_forever(self):
# use exit event to gracefully exit loop and graceful cleanup
while not self.exit_event.is_set():
self.counter += 1
self.log.info(f"publishing: {self.counter}")

class Listener(PowerfulAgent):

def setup(self, name=None, pub_address=None, sub_address=None):
self.pub, self.sub = self.create_notification_client(pub_address, sub_address)
self.sub.observable.subscribe(lambda x: self.log.info(f"received: { x['payload'] }"))

if __name__ == '__main__':
broker = NotificationBroker(name='broker', pub_address='tcp://', sub_address='tcp://')
sender = Sender(name='sender', pub_address='tcp://', sub_address='tcp://')
listener = Listener(name='listener', pub_address='tcp://', sub_address='tcp://')

INFO [agent=broker] booting up ...
INFO [agent=broker] running user setup ...
INFO [agent=broker] binding 9 socket on tcp:// ...
INFO [agent=broker] binding 10 socket on tcp:// ...
INFO [agent=broker] booted in 0.0032880306243896484 seconds ...
INFO [agent=broker] start processing sockets ...
INFO [agent=sender] booting up ...
INFO [agent=sender] running user setup ...
INFO [agent=sender] connecting 1 socket to tcp:// ...
INFO [agent=sender] connecting 2 socket to tcp:// ...
INFO [agent=sender] booted in 0.0016701221466064453 seconds ...
INFO [agent=sender] start processing sockets ...
INFO [agent=listener] booting up ...
INFO [agent=listener] running user setup ...
INFO [agent=listener] connecting 1 socket to tcp:// ...
INFO [agent=listener] connecting 2 socket to tcp:// ...
INFO [agent=listener] booted in 0.0013346672058105469 seconds ...
INFO [agent=listener] start processing sockets ...
INFO [agent=sender] publishing: 1
INFO [agent=listener] received: 1
INFO [agent=sender] publishing: 2
INFO [agent=listener] received: 2
INFO [agent=sender] publishing: 3
INFO [agent=listener] received: 3
INFO [agent=sender] publishing: 4
INFO [agent=listener] received: 4
INFO [agent=sender] publishing: 5
INFO [agent=listener] received: 5

Router Client
import zmq
import time
import threading
from agents import PowerfulAgent, Message

class Router(PowerfulAgent):

def setup(self, name=None, address=None):

class Client1(PowerfulAgent):

def setup(self, name=None, address=None):
self.counter = 0
self.client = self.create_client(address)

# begin sending forever, add to managed threads for graceful cleanup
t = threading.Thread(target=self.send_forever)

def send_forever(self):
# use exit event to gracefully exit loop and graceful cleanup
while not self.exit_event.is_set():
self.counter += 1
target = 'client2'
self.log.info(f"send to {target}: {self.counter}")
self.client.send(Message.client(name=target, payload=self.counter))

class Client2(PowerfulAgent):

def setup(self, name=None, address=None):
self.client = self.create_client(address)
self.client.observable.subscribe(lambda x: self.log.info(f"received: {x['payload']}"))

if __name__ == '__main__':
router = Router(name='router', address='tcp://')
client1 = Client1(name='client1', address='tcp://')
client2 = Client2(name='client2', address='tcp://')

INFO [agent=router] booting up ...
INFO [agent=router] running user setup ...
INFO [agent=router] binding 6 socket on tcp:// ...
INFO [agent=router] booted in 0.0019252300262451172 seconds ...
INFO [agent=router] start processing sockets ...
INFO [agent=client1] booting up ...
INFO [agent=client1] running user setup ...
INFO [agent=client1] connecting 5 socket to tcp:// ...
INFO [agent=client1] booted in 0.0019159317016601562 seconds ...
INFO [agent=client1] start processing sockets ...
INFO [agent=client2] booting up ...
INFO [agent=client2] running user setup ...
INFO [agent=client2] connecting 5 socket to tcp:// ...
INFO [agent=client2] booted in 0.0008869171142578125 seconds ...
INFO [agent=client2] start processing sockets ...
INFO [agent=client1] send to client2: 1
INFO [agent=client2] received: 1
INFO [agent=client1] send to client2: 2
INFO [agent=client2] received: 2
INFO [agent=client1] send to client2: 3
INFO [agent=client2] received: 3
INFO [agent=client1] send to client2: 4
INFO [agent=client2] received: 4
INFO [agent=client1] send to client2: 5
INFO [agent=client2] received: 5

Elliptical Curve Encryption
This example allows any client with the server's public key to connect and communicate over a secure channel
import zmq
import time
import threading
from agents import Agent, PowerfulAgent, Message

# generate public and private keys for server and client
server_public_key, server_private_key = Agent.curve_keypair()
wrong_server_public_key, wrong_server_private_key = Agent.curve_keypair()
client_public_key, client_private_key = Agent.curve_keypair()
client2_public_key, client2_private_key = Agent.curve_keypair()

class NotificationBroker(PowerfulAgent):

def setup(self, name=None, pub_address=None, sub_address=None):
self.create_notification_broker(pub_address, sub_address, options=self.curve_server_config(server_private_key))

class Sender(PowerfulAgent):

def setup(self, name=None, pub_address=None, sub_address=None):
self.counter = 0
self.pub, self.sub = self.create_notification_client(
options=self.curve_client_config(server_public_key, client_public_key, client_private_key)

# begin sending forever, add to managed threads for graceful cleanup
t = threading.Thread(target=self.send_forever)

def send_forever(self):
# use exit event to gracefully exit loop and graceful cleanup
while not self.exit_event.is_set():
self.counter += 1
self.log.info(f"publishing: {self.counter}")

class Listener(PowerfulAgent):

def setup(self, name=None, pub_address=None, sub_address=None):
self.pub, self.sub = self.create_notification_client(
options=self.curve_client_config(server_public_key, client_public_key, client_private_key)
self.sub.observable.subscribe(lambda x: self.log.info(f"received: { x['payload'] }"))

class ListenerInvalid(PowerfulAgent):

def setup(self, name=None, pub_address=None, sub_address=None):
self.pub, self.sub = self.create_notification_client(
options=self.curve_client_config(wrong_server_public_key, client2_public_key, client2_private_key)
self.sub.observable.subscribe(lambda x: self.log.info(f"received: { x['payload'] }"))

if __name__ == '__main__':
broker = NotificationBroker(name='broker', pub_address='tcp://', sub_address='tcp://')
sender = Sender(name='sender', pub_address='tcp://', sub_address='tcp://')
listener = Listener(name='listener', pub_address='tcp://', sub_address='tcp://')
listener_invalid = ListenerInvalid(name='listener_invalid', pub_address='tcp://', sub_address='tcp://')

INFO [agent=broker] booting up ...
INFO [agent=broker] running user setup ...
INFO [agent=broker] binding 9 socket on tcp:// ...
INFO [agent=broker] binding 10 socket on tcp:// ...
INFO [agent=broker] booted in 0.0027320384979248047 seconds ...
INFO [agent=broker] start processing sockets ...
INFO [agent=sender] booting up ...
INFO [agent=sender] running user setup ...
INFO [agent=sender] connecting 1 socket to tcp:// ...
INFO [agent=sender] connecting 2 socket to tcp:// ...
INFO [agent=sender] booted in 0.0042607784271240234 seconds ...
INFO [agent=sender] start processing sockets ...
INFO [agent=listener] booting up ...
INFO [agent=listener] running user setup ...
INFO [agent=listener] connecting 1 socket to tcp:// ...
INFO [agent=listener] connecting 2 socket to tcp:// ...
INFO [agent=listener] booted in 0.0016052722930908203 seconds ...
INFO [agent=listener] start processing sockets ...
INFO [agent=listener_invalid] booting up ...
INFO [agent=listener_invalid] running user setup ...
INFO [agent=listener_invalid] connecting 1 socket to tcp:// ...
INFO [agent=listener_invalid] connecting 2 socket to tcp:// ...
INFO [agent=listener_invalid] booted in 0.0014069080352783203 seconds ...
INFO [agent=listener_invalid] start processing sockets ...
INFO [agent=sender] publishing: 1
INFO [agent=listener] received: 1
INFO [agent=sender] publishing: 2
INFO [agent=listener] received: 2
INFO [agent=sender] publishing: 3
INFO [agent=listener] received: 3

Full Authentication
This example adds another layer of protection for the server by allowing only trusted clients to connect.
import os
import zmq
import time
import threading
import tempfile
from agents import Agent, PowerfulAgent, Message

class NotificationBroker(PowerfulAgent):

def setup(self, name=None, pub_address=None, sub_address=None, private_key=None, client_certificates_path=None):

# configure public key auth/encryption if private_key is provided
options = self.curve_server_config(private_key) if private_key else {}
self.create_notification_broker(pub_address, sub_address, options=options)

# start authenticator if client_certificates_path is provided
if client_certificates_path:
self.auth = self.start_authenticator(domain='*', certificates_path=client_certificates_path)

class Sender(PowerfulAgent):

def setup(self, name=None, pub_address=None, sub_address=None, private_key=None, public_key=None, server_public_key=None):
# configure public key auth/encryption if keys are provided
if private_key and public_key and server_public_key:
options = self.curve_client_config(server_public_key, public_key, private_key)
options = {}
self.counter = 0
self.pub, self.sub = self.create_notification_client(pub_address, sub_address, options=options)

# begin sending forever, add to managed threads for graceful cleanup
t = threading.Thread(target=self.send_forever)

def send_forever(self):
# use exit event to gracefully exit loop and graceful cleanup
while not self.exit_event.is_set():
self.counter += 1
self.log.info(f"publishing: {self.counter}")

class Listener(PowerfulAgent):

def setup(self, name=None, pub_address=None, sub_address=None, private_key=None, public_key=None, server_public_key=None):
# configure public key auth/encryption if keys are provided
if private_key and public_key and server_public_key:
options = self.curve_client_config(server_public_key, public_key, private_key)
options = {}
self.pub, self.sub = self.create_notification_client(pub_address, sub_address, options=options)
self.sub.observable.subscribe(lambda x: self.log.info(f"received: { x['payload'] }"))

if __name__ == '__main__':

with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as trusted_keys_path, \
tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as untrusted_keys_path:

# create key pairs in corresponding directories
Agent.create_curve_certificates(trusted_keys_path, 'server')
Agent.create_curve_certificates(trusted_keys_path, 'listener')
Agent.create_curve_certificates(untrusted_keys_path, 'listener2')

# load key pairs
server_public_key, server_private_key = Agent.load_curve_certificate(os.path.join(trusted_keys_path, "server.key_secret"))
listener_public_key, listener_private_key = Agent.load_curve_certificate(os.path.join(trusted_keys_path, "listener.key_secret"))
listener2_public_key, listener2_private_key = Agent.load_curve_certificate(os.path.join(untrusted_keys_path, "listener2.key_secret"))

broker = NotificationBroker(
sender = Sender(
listener = Listener(
listener2 = Listener(

INFO [agent=broker] booting up ...
INFO [agent=broker] running user setup ...
INFO [agent=broker] binding 9 socket on tcp:// ...
INFO [agent=broker] binding 10 socket on tcp:// ...
INFO [agent=broker] trusted clients: {b'LJl(is$S!/A[3uj]lx}GosmI^28J+3TrR#N5L*C3': True, b'xHVFw-cZptp-.U=rMK)OdTM*p5iwnxX.6HEZWt9v': True}
DEBUG [agent=broker] Starting
INFO [agent=broker] authenticator started ...
DEBUG [agent=broker] auth received API command b'ALLOW'
DEBUG [agent=broker] Allowing
DEBUG [agent=broker] auth received API command b'CURVE'
DEBUG [agent=broker] Configure curve: *[/var/folders/v2/9dzql1f509n1rqnlgrxs9_180000gn/T/tmp6f67aogg]
INFO [agent=broker] booted in 0.006651878356933594 seconds ...
INFO [agent=broker] start processing sockets ...
INFO [agent=sender] booting up ...
INFO [agent=sender] running user setup ...
INFO [agent=sender] connecting 1 socket to tcp:// ...
INFO [agent=sender] connecting 2 socket to tcp:// ...
INFO [agent=sender] booted in 0.003384113311767578 seconds ...
INFO [agent=sender] start processing sockets ...
INFO [agent=listener] booting up ...
INFO [agent=listener] running user setup ...
INFO [agent=listener] connecting 1 socket to tcp:// ...
INFO [agent=listener] connecting 2 socket to tcp:// ...
INFO [agent=listener] booted in 0.001445770263671875 seconds ...
INFO [agent=listener] start processing sockets ...
INFO [agent=listener2] booting up ...
INFO [agent=listener2] running user setup ...
INFO [agent=listener2] connecting 1 socket to tcp:// ...
INFO [agent=listener2] connecting 2 socket to tcp:// ...
INFO [agent=listener2] booted in 0.0016427040100097656 seconds ...
INFO [agent=listener2] start processing sockets ...
DEBUG [agent=broker] version: b'1.0', request_id: b'1', domain: '', address: '', identity: b'', mechanism: b'CURVE'
DEBUG [agent=broker] ALLOWED (CURVE) domain=* client_key=b'LJl(is$S!/A[3uj]lx}GosmI^28J+3TrR#N5L*C3'
DEBUG [agent=broker] ZAP reply code=b'200' text=b'OK'
DEBUG [agent=broker] version: b'1.0', request_id: b'1', domain: '', address: '', identity: b'', mechanism: b'CURVE'
DEBUG [agent=broker] ALLOWED (CURVE) domain=* client_key=b'LJl(is$S!/A[3uj]lx}GosmI^28J+3TrR#N5L*C3'
DEBUG [agent=broker] ZAP reply code=b'200' text=b'OK'
DEBUG [agent=broker] version: b'1.0', request_id: b'1', domain: '', address: '', identity: b'', mechanism: b'CURVE'
DEBUG [agent=broker] ALLOWED (CURVE) domain=* client_key=b'xHVFw-cZptp-.U=rMK)OdTM*p5iwnxX.6HEZWt9v'
DEBUG [agent=broker] ZAP reply code=b'200' text=b'OK'
DEBUG [agent=broker] version: b'1.0', request_id: b'1', domain: '', address: '', identity: b'', mechanism: b'CURVE'
DEBUG [agent=broker] DENIED (CURVE) domain=* client_key=b're69C5>LWfw%//*Qc^6Ei]>ntoYZCc6E]rZXA=F9'
DEBUG [agent=broker] ZAP reply code=b'400' text=b'Unknown key'
DEBUG [agent=broker] version: b'1.0', request_id: b'1', domain: '', address: '', identity: b'', mechanism: b'CURVE'
DEBUG [agent=broker] ALLOWED (CURVE) domain=* client_key=b'xHVFw-cZptp-.U=rMK)OdTM*p5iwnxX.6HEZWt9v'
DEBUG [agent=broker] ZAP reply code=b'200' text=b'OK'
DEBUG [agent=broker] version: b'1.0', request_id: b'1', domain: '', address: '', identity: b'', mechanism: b'CURVE'
DEBUG [agent=broker] DENIED (CURVE) domain=* client_key=b're69C5>LWfw%//*Qc^6Ei]>ntoYZCc6E]rZXA=F9'
DEBUG [agent=broker] ZAP reply code=b'400' text=b'Unknown key'
INFO [agent=sender] publishing: 1
INFO [agent=listener] received: 1
INFO [agent=sender] publishing: 2
INFO [agent=listener] received: 2


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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