powergim 1.0.0

Creator: bigcodingguy24

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powergim 1.0.0

Power Grid Investment Module (PowerGIM)
PowerGIM is a Python package for stochastic power system expansion planning that can consider both transmission and generator investments in a two-stage formulation with uncertain parameters.
Getting started
Install latest PowerGIM release from PyPi:
pip install powergim

User guide and examples
The online user guide gives more information about how to
specify input data and run a simulation case.

User guide

Developer installation

A MILP solver, e.g. the free CBC solver.
Clone or download the code and install it as a python package.
A working MPI implementation, preferably supporting MPI-3 and built with shared/dynamic libraries

Install dependencies

git clone git@github.com:powergim/powergim.git
cd powergim
poetry install
poetry shell
poetry run pytest tests

GitHub Actions Pipelines
These pipelines are defined:

Build: Building and testing on multiple OS and python versions. Triggered on any push to GitHub.

You are welcome to contribute to the improvement of the code.

Use Issues to describe and track needed improvements and bug fixes
Use branches for development and pull requests to merge into main
Use Pre-commit hooks

Harald G Svendsen
SINTEF Energy Research


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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