pppfy 2024.5.3

Creator: railscoder56

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pppfy 2024.5.3

PPPfy - Purchasing Power Parity Adjustments
PPPfy is a Python package that provides tools for adjusting prices across different countries based on Purchasing Power Parity (PPP). The package includes functionality to convert a price from a source country's currency into its PPP equivalent in another country's currency, using historical PPP data.
Supports 200+ countries, that have PPP data available from World Bank.
Install the package using pip:
pip install pppfy


Get Price Mapping: Calculate the PPP-adjusted price from a source country to one or more destination countries.
Get Country PPP: Retrieve the PPP factor for a specific country and year.

Importing the Module
You can import the Converter class from the pppfy package like this:
from pppfy.converter import Converter

Creating an Instance
Create an instance of the Converter class. Optionally, specify a path to a different PPP data file:
c = Converter()

Getting PPP Adjusted Price Mapping
The get_price_mapping method is a core feature of the pppfy package that allows users to adjust prices from a source country to one or more destination countries based on Purchasing Power Parity (PPP). This method calculates the equivalent price in a destination country's currency, considering the difference in buying power between the source and destination countries.

source_country (str): The ISO2 code of the country from which the price originates. Default is 'US'.
source_price (int, float): The original price in the source country's currency. For example, if the source price is 79 USD and the source country is the US.
destination_country (str, optional): The ISO2 code of the destination country for which the PPP-adjusted price is to be calculated. If not specified, the method will calculate PPP-adjusted prices for all countries with available data.
year (int, optional): The year for which the PPP adjustment should be calculated. If not specified, the method uses the most recent year for which PPP data is available for both the source and destination countries.


If a specific destination country is specified, the method returns a dictionary containing:

ISO2: The ISO2 code of the destination country.
ppp_adjusted_local_price: The price adjusted for PPP, in the destination country's currency.
ppp_year: The year of the PPP data used for the calculation.

If no destination country is specified, the method returns a list of dictionaries, each containing the above fields for each available destination country.

Example Usage:
from pppfy.converter import Converter

# Initialize the converter
c = Converter()

# Calculate the PPP-adjusted price from the USA to India
ppp_adjusted_price = c.get_price_mapping(source_country="US", source_price=79, destination_country="IN")

# Output:
# {
# "ISO2": "IN",
# "ppp_adjusted_local_price": 2400.95,
# "ppp_year": 2021
# }

Retrieving Country PPP Data
To get the PPP factor for a specific country and year:
ppp_factor = c.get_country_ppp(country_iso2_code="IN", year=2021)

Contributions to pppfy are welcome! Please feel free to submit pull requests or raise issues on the repository.
This project is licensed under the GNU Affero General Public License - see the LICENSE file for details.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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