pptx-tools 0.1.10

Creator: railscoder56

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pptxtools 0.1.10


Suport only python3.
pip install pptx-tools

Quick Example
Create Google Application Credentials files and set

After that,
slide-add-voice <PATH-TO-YOUR-AWESOME-SLIDE>

You can change the synthesized voice by specifying the --voice-name as shown below.
slide-add-voice pptx_tools/data/hello.pptx --voice-name en-US-Wavenet-C

In addition, you can listen to the voice samples available for use with Google Text-to-Speech at the following URL: https://cloud.google.com/text-to-speech/docs/voices
Slide Video Formatter Command
The slide-video-formatter command is a utility program allowing users to format videos within PowerPoint presentations by specifying the vcodec and crf.
slide-video-formatter <YOUR-AWESOME-SLIDE> --out /tmp/tmp.pptx --vcodec libx264 --crf 28

Q & A
Q: What happens to the slide transition time when both a video file and a synthesized voice are present on the slide?
A: The transition time for the slide will be based on whichever is longer between the duration of the synthesized voice and the duration of the video.


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