pre-commit-po-hooks 1.7.3

Creator: codyrutscher

Last updated:

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precommitpohooks 1.7.3


Hooks for pre-commit useful working with PO files.
Example configuration
- repo:
rev: v1.7.3
- id: obsolete-messages
- id: untranslated-messages
- id: fuzzy-messages
- id: remove-django-translators
- id: standard-metadata
- id: max-lines
args: ["10000"]

Checks for obsolete messages printing their line numbers if found.
Checks for untranslated messages printing their line numbers if found.

-m/--min: Minimum number of messages that must be translated in each file
to pass this check. Can be defined as a percentage of the messages translated
appending a character % at the end of the value.

Checks for fuzzy messages printing their line numbers if found.
Replaces a matching string at the beginning of extracted comments.

-m/--match "STRING": Matching string to be replaced.
-r/--replacement "STRING": Replacement for the match at the beginning of
the extracted comment. If you want to remove the matching beginning you can
pass an empty string "".
-d/--dry-run: Don't do the replacements, only writes to stderr the locations
of the extracted comments to be replaced.

Same as lreplace-extracted-comments
passing --match "Translators: " --replacement "". Useful to remove the string
prepended by Django extracting messages with xgettext (see more about this
problem in django-rosetta#245).
Check that metadata fields matches a set of regular expressions.

-h/--header HEADER: Header name to match in metadata. This argument can be
passed multiple times, but after each -h/--header argument must be a
-v/--value that indicates the regular expression for that header.
-v/--value REGEX: Can be passed multiple times. Indicates the regular
expression that the last header passed in the argument -h/--header must
match in the checked PO files.
-n/--no-metadata: When this option is passed, the hook instead checks that
there is no metadata in the files, so it will exit with code 1 if some
metadata is found in a file or 0 if there is no metadata in any files.
-r/--remove/--remove-metadata: When this option is passed the metadata will
be removed from the files instead of being treated as a lint error.

Check that the metadata of your PO files fits some standard requirements based
on the next regular expressions:

Project-Id-Version: \d+\.\d+\.\d
Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: .+\s<.+@.+\..+>
Last-Translator: .+\s<.+@.+\..+>
Language-Team: .+\s<.+@.+\..+>
Language: \w\w_?\w?\w?(@\w+)?
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=[0-9a-zA-Z\-]+
Content-Transfer-Encoding: \d+bits?

If you need to replace some fields with other regular expressions, you can do
it passing the -h and -v arguments of the
check-metadata hook.
For example, if your version includes the character v at the beginning:
-h "Project-Id-Version" -v "v\d+\.\d+\.\d"
It will check if PO files has metadata. If has metadata, it will fail the check
returning exit code 1.

-r/--remove/--remove-metadata: When this option is passed the metadata will
be removed from the files instead of being treated as a lint error.

Remove metadata headers from your PO files. This is an alias for
no-metadata hook passing --remove-metadata argument.
Define a maximum number of entries for each PO file. Pass an interger in the
first argument:
- id: max-messages
- "5000"


Maximum number of messages allowed for each PO file.

Define a maximum number of lines for each PO file. Pass an interger in the
first argument:
- id: max-lines
- "10000"


Maximum number of lines allowed for each PO file.

Define a minimum number of files that must be translated in order to pass.
Pass a float or a value ending with % character if you wan to compare
against the percentage of translated files:
- id: min-translated
- "95%"


Minimum number or percentage of messages which must be translated in each
PO file.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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