pream-team 1.3.0

Creator: railscoder56

Last updated:

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preamteam 1.3.0

A TUI utility that lists open github PRs for your team.

Get it
python3 -m pip install pream-team --upgrade

How to
You need a GitHub personal access token with full repo scope
and with admin org read access if you want to specify org value.
Besides the token you also need to provide a list of github usernames. You can do that through command line or yaml config file (see below).
pream-team will also dispay a list of pull requests where you (username specified by 'me' value in cli or yaml) or your team (team name specified by 'my_team') has been added as a reviewer. You can see those by clicking on 'Review requested' button on the top right of the TUI.
If you provide org value, pream-team will fetch only the prs for repos that belong to the org.
If you provide me value, pream team will print out your approval status for the
pull request ('v', '@', 'x' for approved, commented, chages requeted) followed by the number of approvals for the PR eg. [v|2] [draft|repo-name] - pr title. If you dont provide the me value, you will only get the number of approvals eg. [2] [draft|repo-name] - pr title
Command line options:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--names NAMES [NAMES ...]
List of GitHub usernames.
--days DAYS Number of past days to search for PRs.
--token TOKEN GitHub API token.
--org ORG GitHub organization name.
--me ME Your GitHub username.
--my_team MY_TEAM name of your gh team. used to check for review requests that requested team review but
not you explicitly.
--file FILE Path to YAML file containing 'names', 'days', 'token' and 'org' fields. (Note that command line
arguments override YAML file configuration)

Or through a yaml file (default location is ~/.prs/config.yml):
org: some-org # optional
token: some-token # required
days-back: 25 # optional
me: username # optional
my_team: team-name # optional
names: # required (at least one)
- "Teamamte-username-1"
- "Teamamte-username-2"
- "Teamamte-username-3"


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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