prepextend 2021.0.1

Creator: railscoder56

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prepextend 2021.0.1

A toolset to expand the functionality for the Tableau Prep
What are the Key Features?

Run Tableau Prep file through Python API.
Read the Tableau Prep file as a dict, which has an overview of all inputs and outputs.
Produce a flows execution sequential list from a group of the Tableau prep files with dependence.
Add-on features (require setting the config file):

4.a. On top of feature 1, add retry when there is an error in running Tableau Prep file
4.b. On top of feature 1, notify by Slack when running error.
4.c. On top of feature 1, assign a specific version of Tableau Prep in a specific file to run.
4.d. On top of feature 1, save running log.
4.e. On top of feature 1, no more need to locate the credential file
4.f. On top of feature 3, can assign a folder as a pool to the group of the Tableau prep files located.
4.g. Can mark csv outputs as checkpoints and verify them after running file to secure the data quality.
4.h. On top of feature 4-g, notify by Slack when getting issues in checkpoints.

Please Note!

Featurs 2 & 3 are in the limited scope of testing:

Local file type: excel, csv, hyper
Non-Local: Postgres DB, Snowflake, Tableau Server
If your Tableau Prep files contain some connection out of the above scope, might get error or incorrect result.

What's the Restriction?
Currently, Windows OS support only.
How to Install?
Use the package manager pip to install.
pip install prepextend

How to Use?
1. Run Tableau Prep file
# returns runnning log
from prepextend import flow_run

running_log = flow_run(prep_script = "[Tableau Prep Builder install location]\Tableau Prep Builder <version>\scripts",
flow_file = "path\to\[your flow file name].tfl",
credential_file = "path\to\[your credential file name].json"
# eg. prep_script = "...\Tableau\Tableau Prep Builder 2020.2\scripts"

2. Read the Tableau Prep file
# returns flow_info
from prepextend import flow_read

flow_info = flow_read("path\to\[your flow file name].tfl")

3. Produce a flows execution sequential list with organized dependence.
from prepextend import flows_roadmap

depend_flows = ['...\flow_3.tfl', '...\flow_1.tfl', '...\flow_2.tfl']
# dependency = flow 1 -> flow 2 -> flow 3

target_flows = [

flow_map = flows_roadmap(target_flows, depend_flows)
# flow_map will be ['...\flow_1.tfl', '...\flow_2.tfl', '...\flow_3.tfl']

target_flows = [

flow_map = flows_roadmap(target_flows, depend_flows)
# flow_map will be ['...\flow_1.tfl', '...\flow_2.tfl']

4. Set config for add-on features
from prepextend import flow_manage

flow_management = flow_manage(general_config, version_assigned)

4.a ~ 4.e, 4.h Run flow with add-on features
running_log = flow_management.run_flow("path\to\[your flow file name].tfl")

4.f When produce flow_map, apply the assign a folder as a pool to the group of the Tableau prep files located without input depend_flows
target_flows = [

flow_map = flow_management.flows_roadmap(target_flows)


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