presto-requests 1.3.6

Creator: railscoder56

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prestorequests 1.3.6

Presto! Requests
An object-oriented REST API client & requests extesion library.
As of version 1.0.0, this library can be considered stable, and significant
changes to the interface or new features are unlikely to be introduced.
Note: This library requires Python 3.11.0rc1 or later.
pip install presto-requests

poetry add presto-requests

With async support using httpx:
pip install presto-requests[async]

poetry add presto-requests --extras async

Presto! Requests is a library that extends the functionality of the requests library.
It provides a simple way to create a REST API client that is object-oriented and easy to use.
from presto import Presto
import pprint

github = Presto("")

user = github.users.sitbon()() # == github.users["sitbon"]().attr

print(f"User {user.login} has {user.public_repos} public repositories.")


User sitbon has 15 public repositories.
{'avatar_url': '',
'bio': None,
'blog': '',
'company': None,
'created_at': '2012-01-26T04:25:21Z',
'email': None,
'events_url': '{/privacy}',
'followers': 7,
'followers_url': '',
'following': 13,
'following_url': '{/other_user}',
'gists_url': '{/gist_id}',
'gravatar_id': '',
'hireable': None,
'html_url': '',
'id': 1381063,
'location': 'Portland, OR, USA',
'login': 'sitbon',
'name': 'Phillip Sitbon',
'node_id': 'MDQ6VXNlcjEzODEwNjM=',
'organizations_url': '',
'public_gists': 4,
'public_repos': 15,
'received_events_url': '',
'repos_url': '',
'site_admin': False,
'starred_url': '{/owner}{/repo}',
'subscriptions_url': '',
'twitter_username': None,
'type': 'User',
'updated_at': '2022-11-22T00:41:18Z',
'url': ''}

Adding to a request path is as simple as accessing an attribute of the same name
from a Presto instance. For example, Presto("").some_path
maps to a request object that defines a GET request to
Parameters such as headers are set by calling dotted objects under Presto, e.g. presto.some_path(x=y).
These parameters are eventually passed to requests.request() as keyword arguments, but only
at a later time when the request is executed by calling the object without any arguments.
The return value from a parameter-setting call is the object itself, to enable further chaining.
Thus, request parameters can be set and inherited by further dotted paths.
Indexing the object like a list is a convient way to extend the path to a new object for things
like id paths, e.g. Presto("http://<base>").note[1] maps to a request for http://<base>/note/1
and calling that object executes the request.
There are a few special top-level attributes that can be used to modify the request without
needing to call the object and set the method= parameter:
GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE, HEAD, OPTIONS, and finally R which is
a request object with no path and no parameters set.
from presto import Presto

presto = Presto(url="", APPEND_SLASH=True)

print("presto:", presto)

api = presto.api

print("api:", api)

note = api(headers={"X-User": "Testing"}).note

print("api.note:", api.note, "equal:", api.note == note)

resp = api.note[4]()

print("headers:", resp.request.headers)
print("response:", resp)
print("note:", resp.attr)

presto: Presto(url='', params=adict(method='GET', headers={'Accept': 'application/json'}))
api: Request(url='', params=adict(method='GET', headers={'Accept': 'application/json'}))
api.note: Request(url='', params=adict(method='GET', headers={'Accept': 'application/json', 'X-User': 'Testing'})) equal: True
headers: {'User-Agent': 'python-requests/2.28.1', 'Accept-Encoding': 'gzip, deflate', 'Accept': 'application/json', 'Connection': 'keep-alive', 'X-User': 'Testing'}
response: <Response [200]>
note: adict(user='', id=4, url='', time='2022-12-02T19:26:09-0800', note='Hello from the API!!', collection={'id': 3, 'url': '', 'name': 'Public', 'public': True, 'notes': 1})

response.attr is an adict instance, which is a dictionary that can be accessed as attributes.
It contains the JSON-decoded content of a response, if any.
APPEND_SLASH is meant to be client implementation-specific, e.g. for a Django Rest Framework client, one would
typically set Presto.APPEND_SLASH = True or inherit from Presto in a pre-defined API client class.
Async Support
Version 1.0.0 adds support for async requests using the httpx library.
The usage is the same as the synchronous version except when it comes to executing requests, so
calls to request objects without parameters need to be awaited. See the example below.
import asyncio
from presto.asynco import AsyncPresto as Presto

async def main():
presto = Presto(url="", APPEND_SLASH=True)

print("presto:", presto)

api = presto.api

print("api:", api)

note = api(headers={"X-User": "Testing"}).note

print("api.note:", api.note, "equal:", api.note == note)

resp = await api.note[4]()

print("headers:", resp.request.headers)
print("response:", resp)
print("note:", resp.attr)

if __name__ == "__main__":

presto: AsyncPresto(url='', params=adict(method='GET', headers={'Accept': 'application/json'}))
api: Request(url='', params=adict(method='GET', headers={'Accept': 'application/json'}))
api.note: Request(url='', params=adict(method='GET', headers={'Accept': 'application/json', 'X-User': 'Testing'})) equal: True
headers: Headers({'host': '', 'accept-encoding': 'gzip, deflate', 'connection': 'keep-alive', 'user-agent': 'python-httpx/0.23.1', 'accept': 'application/json', 'x-user': 'Testing'})
response: <Response [200 OK]>
note: adict(user='', id=4, url='', time='2022-12-02T19:26:09-0800', note='Hello from the API!!', collection={'id': 3, 'url': '', 'name': 'Public', 'public': True, 'notes': 1})


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