prettimer 0.0.2

Creator: railscoder56

Last updated:

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prettimer 0.0.2

Is a package that gives a timer utility, with prettifiers that prompt a
prettified runtime to the standard output.
The prettifiers are decorator functions built upon the Elapsed object, that
allow either to assess the runtime of a function without having to explicitly
call any magic, or to log a step of a process where the logging.logger is
pointing to.
Can use the the main time handler this way:
>>> from prettimer import Elapsed

>>> et = Elapsed()
>>> # do some process in between
>>> et.stampFromStart() # this returns a string
'Elapsed Time: 1 [mins] 3.785 [secs]'

Otherwise, can use decorator functions:
>>> from prettimer import timeit

>>> @timeit
... def prova():
... return np.random.randn(100000)
>>> prova()
prova: Elapsed Time: 0.002 [secs]

Full documentation can be found here
Installing prettimer
To install prettimer package, just:
pip install prettimer

Developing prettimer
To install prettimer along with the tools you need to develop and run tests,
run the following in your virtual env:
pip install -e .[dev]


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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