primelibpy 2.2

Creator: railscoder56

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primelibpy 2.2

Python Prime Library
This is the official documentation of the python prime library.

Generate Specific types of Prime numbers between the given range
Generate Random Prime number
Factorization of the given number

Use pip3 if you are using python version 3+ else follow the same steps as mentioned below:

If you don’t have pip then follow the below procedure else go to step 2.

For window Users

Download get-pip to a
folder on your computer.
Put that file on Desktop
Open cmd and run the following commands:

$ cd Desktop
$ python

For Mac Users

Install python

$ brew install python

Run the following command:

$ python

For Linux Users

Run the following commands for python(version > 2.0):
$ sudo apt-get install python-pip
$ sudo pacman -S python2-pip
$ sudo yum upgrade python-setuptools
$ sudo yum install python-pip python-wheel
$ sudo dnf upgrade python-setuptools
$ sudo dnf install python-pip python-wheel
$ sudo zypper install python-pip python-setuptools python-wheel

Run the following commands for python(version > 3.0):
$ sudo apt-get install python3-pip
$ sudo pacman -S python-pip
$ sudo yum install python3 python3-wheel
$ sudo dnf install python3 python3-wheel
$ sudo zypper install python3-pip python3-setuptools python3-wheel

For Raspberry Users

Run the following commands for python(version > 2.0):
$ sudo apt-get install python-pip

Run the following commands for python(version > 2.0):
$ sudo apt-get install python3-pip

Import gmpy2 file

This package is required to install primelibpy library
Run the following command
$ pip install gmpy2==2.1.0a2

Now, install the prime python library using the below command.

Run the following command
$ pip install primelibpy

How to use Library

Inside of your python IDE(Python file)
from primelibpy import Prime as p

Now, using p all functions can be used in code
balancedNumberList = p.getBalancedPrime(2,100,2)

Functions Description

Prime Functions
In all the prime numbers Start_Limit and End_Limit are the range of prime numbers the user wants to print inclusively.

Balanced Prime

Syntex: getBalancedPrime(startLimit,endLimit,balancedMode)
Return Type: list
Description: Balanced_Mode is how number which
decide a balanced limit for prime.

Circular Prime

Syntex: getCircularPrime(startLimit,endLimit)
Return Type: list

Cousin Prime

Syntex: getCousinPrime(startLimit,endLimit)
Return Type: list
Description: Cousin prime are in pair so return list is have list
inside it e.g.[ [1,2], [2,3] ]

Double Mersenne Prime

Syntex: getDoubleMersennePrime(startLimit,endLimit)
Return Type: list

Factorial Prime

Syntex: getFactorialPrime(startLimit,endLimit)
Return Type: list

Good Prime

Syntex: getGoodPrime(startLimit,endLimit)
Return Type: list

Mersenne Prime

Syntex: getMersennePrime(startLimit,endLimit)
Return Type: list

Palindromic Prime

Syntex: getPalindromicPrime(startLimit,endLimit)
Return Type: list

Permutable Prime

Syntex: getPermutablePrime(startLimit,endLimit)
Return Type: list

Primorial Prime

Syntex: getPrimorialPrime(startLimit,endLimit)
Return Type: list

Fermat Pseudo Prime

Syntex: getFermatPseudoPrime(startLimit,endLimit,baseNumber)
Return Type: list
Description: Base_number helps to generate a composite
the number and the second argument is the Total number of Pseudo primes

Pythagorean Prime

Syntex: getPythagoreanPrime(startLimit,endLimit)
Return Type: list

Reversible Prime

Syntex: getReversiblePrime(startLimit,endLimit)
Return Type: list

Semi Prime

Syntex: getSemiPrime(startLimit,endLimit)
Return Type: list

Sophie Germain Prime

Syntex: getSophieGermainPrime(startLimit,endLimit)
Return Type: list

Twin Prime

Syntex: getTwinPrime(startLimit,endLimit)
Return Type: list
Description: Twin prime are in pair so return list is have list
inside it e.g.[ [1,2], [2,3] ]

Wagstaff Prime

Syntex: getWagstaffPrime(startLimit,endLimit)
Return Type: list

Wieferich Prime

Syntex: getWieferichPrime(startLimit,endLimit)
Return Type: list

Wilson Prime

Syntex: getWilsonPrime(startLimit,endLimit)
Return Type: list

Left Truncatable Prime

Syntex: getLeftTruncatablePrime(startLimit,endLimit)
Return Type: list

Right Truncatable Prime

Syntex: getRightTruncatablePrime(startLimit,endLimit)
Return Type: list

Truncatable Prime

Syntex: getTruncatablePrime(startLimit,endLimit)
Return Type: list

Gaussian Prime

Syntex: checkGaussianPrime(realPart,imaginaryPart)
Return Type: None
Note: This will print whether the number is gaussian or not

Random Prime Generation
Random Prime generation function has three arguments and it requires little knowledge of above all functions.
The first argument is the type of prime number. Note that name of prime followed by Prime. The name of the prime type has to be in the capital.
e.g. PrimorialPrime
The second argument is the number of digits of random numbers.
The third argument is only mandatory for balanced prime numbers.

Syntex: getRandomPrime(primeType,totalDigits,mode=0)
Return Type: integer


import Prime as p
randomPrimorial = p.getRandomPrime("PrimorialPrime",3)

This Section is related to Number factorization. Use Semi-Prime where it is indicated.

Traditional Way for Factorization

Syntex: getFactorTraditional(semiPrimeNumber)
Return Type: list
Note: This function will work all kinds of numbers but I’ll suggest using Semi prime number because This function returns the Factor of input number except 1 and the number itself.

Fermat Theorem for Factorization

Syntex: getFactorFermatTheorem(semiPrimeNumber)
Return Type: tuple
Note: This is only for composite numbers that have only two
prime factors except for the number itself e.g. 33 have two prime factors 3
and 11.

Pollard Rho Factorization

Syntex: getFactorPollardRho(semiPrimeNumber)
Return Type: integer
Note: This will return any one factor of the given number
because this algorithm works on random numbers.

General Factorization

Syntex: getAllFactors(compositeNumber)
Return Type: list
Note: This will return a list of all prime factors.

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