prinder 1.2.2

Creator: railscoder56

Last updated:

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prinder 1.2.2

Pull Request reminder for Github with numerous configurations and templating feature using the powerful Jinja2
Installation and Configuration
On *nix systems:-

Install Prinder using pip.

pip install prinder

Create a configuration file. The default filename is prinder_config.yaml but you can name it whatever you want. Fill in all the fields or leave them empty if you don't need them. Copy the config template from here - prinder_config.yaml.template

Get a github auth token with relevant access and assign it to the environment variable PRINDER_GITHUB_API_TOKEN or assign it in the configuration file to github_api_token. (Copying the token to the file is not recommended)

Run the command with the file name as argument if required. If no argument is passed, it will try to find prinder_config.yaml in the working directory. The debug parameter can be passed to turn on detailed logging.

prinder --config_file=<your-configuration-file-path>
eg -
1. prinder
2. prinder --config_file=prinder_config.yml
3. prinder --debug

The logs of the service can be found at prinder.log in the working directory.

Prinder has a number of configurations using which you can configure hooks to Slack or Email. Some important ones are:

organization_name: The organization name for which to get pull requests.
list_of_repos: Provide a list of repos for which to get pending pull requests.
topics: Provide a list of topics attached to repositories for which to get pending pull requests.
ignore_repos: List of repos which should be ignored.
ignore_labels: List of labels assigned to pull requests to be ignored.
slack:post_as_user: The name which will be shown on Slack.
initial_message: The text that will appear at the the top in the notification hooks.

Formatting the notifications
You can set your own look and feel of notifications and override the default using the templating files. The templating uses Jinja2 so everything is highly configurable.
For Slack

Create a template file. You can have a look at slack_template.template which is the default.
Give the path to the template file in your configuration file.

For Mail

Create a template file. You can have a look at mail_template.html which is the default.
Give the path to the template file in your configuration file.

List of available information is :-

Initial Message
List of pull request object
A dictionary having pull requests with the repository name as the key
time_delta function to calculate the number of days since pull request created

Send pull request reminders to Slack
Get a slack token and assign it to the environment variable PRINDER_SLACK_API_TOKEN or assign it in the configuration file to slack_api_token. (Copying the token to the file is not recommended)
Send pull request reminders in email
Configure a SMTP on your host and provide the details in the configuration file.
This started as a side project for a requirement that I had and as a way to improve my Python skills. I would warmly welcome any Pull requests and feature requests that you may have. Thanks


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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