print-function-py2 0.3

Creator: railscoder56

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printfunctionpy2 0.3

This package is using for print() function in Python 1 and Python 2.
How to use it
Import it by: from print_function_py2 import print3. No any additional modules or packages will be installed.
Use it as the built-in print() function in Python 3.
>>> from print_function_py2 import print3
>>> print3("Hello", "world!", sep=", ")
Hello, world!

If you cannot install the package by pip, please download the tar.gz file and extract to sys.path(PYTHONPATH).
Suggested importing formula:
try :
exec("print3 = print")
except SyntaxError :
try :
from print_function_py2 import print3
except ImportError :
print("package print_function_py2 required")
import sys


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