priorityY 0.0.2

Creator: railscoder56

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priorityY 0.0.2

Priority Based Connected Components
In many scenarios we see there is a need to run connected components but first connect entities with higher priority edges and then move to lower priority ones. Also apart from it, every group has a size-limit.
To tackle such analytical challenges we have come up with an algorithm to adjust the priority of edges and limit the size of the components.
pip install priorityY
How to use it?
from priorityY import *
G = [(1,4,1),(1,5,3),(2,3,2),(2,6,2),(6,7,3),(4,8,2),(5,9,1)]
threshold = 3
components = priority_based_linkage(G,threshold)

[[1, 4, 8], [2, 3, 6], [5, 9], [7]]

Let us visualise the above example for better understanding how the library works.
The threshold is set to 3, limiting the size of components. Dotted edges denote the link and priority associated.

At the first iteration, all nodes having edges with Priority-1 get connected.

1–4 and 5–9 gets connected.
In the next iteration, the algorithm connects nodes with edges between them of Priority-2.

1–4–8 gets connected, 2–3–6 gets connected and both reach the threshold
The algorithm stops as the threshold is reached for components and no more edges left. Above are the final connected components with the set threshold and provided edges priority.
© 2021 Abhishek Mungoli, Pravesh Garg, Somedip Karmakar
This repository is licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.
Change Log
0.0.1 (23/08/2021)

First Release

0.0.2 (27/01/2022)

Second Release


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