pript 0.0.2

Creator: railscoder56

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pript 0.0.2


About Pript
Pript is a function that prints values to a stream, or to sys.stdout in the style of a receipt. It is based on the Python 3 print() built-in function.
This package is meant to be a development aid by allowing you to print data in a format that is more readable. Keep in mind this function is only meant to be used in development. You should always consider using a package like logging for production.
How different it is from print()?
Not much. To prevent compatibility issues, pript() was written using the original print() built-in implementation from PyPy.
Why format() instead of f-strings?
Even though f-strings are known to be faster, they were introduced in Python 3.6. For that reason, pript() relies on format() to bring compatibility down to Python 3.
Getting Started
You can install Pript with pip or by copying the file to your project's root directory.

Python 3 or above.


Install pript from pip
pip install pript

Import it into your project
from pript import pript

pript('Hello World!')

Pript will format zero to three arguments, otherwise it behaves similarly to print(). You can customize the formatting by using the sep, pos, length and snip optional keyword arguments.
For more information about optional keywords, please refer to the Documentation.
With no arguments
You can print separators using zero arguments:


With one argument
Pript can be used, not ideally, as a replacement for print:
pript('This will print a line like print()')

This will print a line like print()

With two arguments
When using two arguments, pript will format each argument to the left and right by default, unless pos is specified:
pript('Hello ', ' World!', sep='>')

Hello >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> World!

With three arguments
When using three arguments, pript will format each argument to the left, center and right respectively as default, unless pos is specified:
pript('THIS ', ' IS ', ' PRIPT', length='20')


With more than three arguments
When using more than three arguments, the behaviour of Pript is exactly the same as print():
pript([101], ['Pript'], 'Hello Pript!', ('Hello', 'Pript', '!'))

[101] ['Pript'] Hello Pript! ('Hello', 'Pript', '!')

Simple example with a single argument
Suppose we want to center a single string, and style it with a symbol on each side of the text filling the remaining space, and a maximum length of 30 characters:
pript(' Hello Pript! ', sep='|', length=30, pos='center')

|||||||| Hello Pript! ||||||||

Printing a receipt
Minimum customization with default length:
from pript import pript

def receipt():
pript('HalfBakedCoffee Company', pos='center')
pript('014210 Half Baked Ave.', pos='center')
pript(' Receipt ', pos='center', sep="*")
pript('Date: ', ' 04/02/2023 11:54:02')
pript(' Item list ', pos='center', sep="*")
pript('Item: ', ' Big Coffee')
pript('Quantity: ', ' 2')
pript('Price: ', ' $5.00', sep='.')
pript('Item: ', ' Small Coffee')
pript('Quantity: ', ' 2')
pript('Price: ', ' $2.50', sep='.')
pript('Total: ', ' $15.00', sep='.')
pript('Paid: ', ' $15.00', sep='.')
pript('Thank you! ', ' Mr. Buyer')


HalfBakedCoffee Company
014210 Half Baked Ave.
*************** Receipt ****************
Date: 04/02/2023 11:54:02

************** Item list ***************
Item: Big Coffee
Quantity: 2
Price: ........................... $5.00

Item: Small Coffee
Quantity: 2
Price: ........................... $2.50

Total: .......................... $15.00
Paid: ........................... $15.00
Thank you! Mr. Buyer

pript (Function)
Positional arguments:

args: Arguments to print.

Keyword arguments:

file: A file-like object (stream). Defaults to the current sys.stdout.
sep: String inserted between values. Default a space.
end: String appended after the last value. Default a newline.
flush: Whether to forcibly flush the stream. Defaults to False.
pos: String determining the alignment of the output. Defaults to start (between for two and three arguments). Receives start, center, end or None as valid arguments.
length: Maximum length of the output. Defaults to 40 characters.
snip: Whether to remove excess characters when using a single argument. Defaults to True.

About the pos optional keyword:
There are slight differences when providing the optional keyword pos with start, center or end using two or three arguments.
For example, when using two arguments with pos='start' and sep='-' for reference:
pript('Hello', 'World!', pos='start', sep='-')

Pript will position each argument to the start of each column (one column per argument):

On the contrary, while using three arguments with pos='start' and sep='-' for reference:
pript('Hello', 'World', 'Pript!', pos='start', sep='-')

Pript will compress each argument to the start of the line, and fill all the remaning empty space of each column:

This was purposely made to extend the formatting capabilities of Pript while reducing the complexity of the function itself.
With two arguments, each one will be allocated to their asignated position inside their respective column. With three arguments, each argument will be compressed to their asignated position and the remaining space will be automatically filled.
About the snip optional keyword:
When using a single argument, snip (True by default) will trim any excess characters if the argument is longer than length (40 by default):
pript('This string is exactly 41 characters long')

This string is exactly 41 characters lon

This behaviour can be disabled by passing False to snip:
pript('This string is exactly 41 characters long', snip=False)

This string is exactly 41 characters long

snip with more than a single argument
Be aware that disabling snip is not currently supported when using two and three arguments, Pript will always trim the end of any argument that is longer than its designated column length. This is specially important when debugging numeric values as they will get trimmed, in example:
pript('The current price of EXAMPLE is: ', '0.00000000000000024984 USD')

The current price of0.000000000000000249

This bug is a product of the way Pript formats strings into grids. It can be temporarily solved by setting length to an amount double the longest argument:
arg0 = 'The current price of EXAMPLE is: '
arg1 = '0.00000000000000024984 USD'
longest_arg = max(len(arg0), len(arg1))
pript(arg0, arg1, length=longest_arg*2)

This will prevent Pript from trimming the output:
The current price of EXAMPLE is: 0.00000000000000024984 USD

An easier approach would be to use string concatenation with snip in a single argument:
arg0 = 'The current price of EXAMPLE is: '
arg1 = '0.00000000000000024984 USD'
pript(arg0 + arg1, snip=False)

This will also prevent Pript from trimming the output:
The current price of EXAMPLE is: 0.00000000000000024984 USD

This is a known bug and it is planned to be fixed in the following revisions of Pript.
The code has room for improvement, particularly in the calculations. Currently, it serves only as a proof of concept. Any contributions you make are greatly appreciated.
If you have a suggestion that would make Pript better, please fork the repo and create a pull request. You can also simply open an issue with the tag "enhancement".
Don't forget to give the project a star!

Fork the Project
Create your Feature Branch (git checkout -b feature/AmazingFeature)
Commit your Changes (git commit -m 'Add some AmazingFeature')
Push to the Branch (git push origin feature/AmazingFeature)
Open a Pull Request

Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.
HalfBakedBread/Ash Bauer

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