prisma-configure-mesh 1.1.0b1

Creator: railscoder56

Last updated:

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prismaconfiguremesh 1.1.0b1

Prisma Configure Mesh
Utility for changing from Hub/Spoke to Regional, Full, or Custom Mesh for Prisma SD-WAN.
Enables simply and flexibly creating Partial, Selective, or Full mesh topologies via a utility.

Quick one choice Full Mesh or Hub/Spoke config.
Detailed Partial/Selective Mesh wizard


Active CloudGenix Account
Python >= 3.7
Python modules:

CloudGenix Python SDK >= 6.2.1b1 -
Progressbar2 >= 3.53.1 -


PIP: pip install prisma_configure_mesh. After install, prisma_configure_mesh script should be placed in the Python
Scripts directory.
Github: Download files to a local directory, manually run scripts.

Examples of usage:

Enable Full Mesh
edwards-mbp-pro:prisma_configure_mesh aaron$ ./

Choose Prisma SD-WAN Network Meshing Stance:
1: Full Mesh
2: Regional Mesh
3: Hub/Spoke Links Only
4: Custom Mesh

Choose a Number or (Q)uit: 1

Checking network state before moving to Full Mesh.
Loading VPN topology information for 28 sites, please wait.
100%|##################################################################################################################################################################################|Time: 0:00:03

Changing the Prisma SD-WAN mode to "Full Mesh" will Create:
341 NEW Public WAN Branch-Branch VPN Mesh Links
21 NEW Private WAN Branch-Branch VPN Mesh Links

Are you sure? [N]: y

Deploying 362 Branch-Branch VPN Mesh Links..
100%|##################################################################################################################################################################################|Time: 0:00:41

Prisma SD-WAN Fabric is now in Full Mesh mode.
edwards-mbp-pro:prisma_configure_mesh aaron$

Enable Hub/Spoke mode (Disable Full Mesh)
edwards-mbp-pro:prisma_configure_mesh aaron$ ./

Choose Prisma SD-WAN Network Meshing Stance:
1: Full Mesh
2: Regional Mesh
3: Hub/Spoke Links Only
4: Custom Mesh

Choose a Number or (Q)uit: 3

Checking network state before moving to Hub/Spoke only.
Loading VPN topology information for 28 sites, please wait.
100%|##################################################################################################################################################################################|Time: 0:00:04

Changing the Prisma SD-WAN mode to "Hub and Spoke" will Remove:
341 Public WAN Branch-Branch VPN Mesh Links
21 Private WAN Branch-Branch VPN Mesh Links

Are you sure? [N]: y

Removing 362 Branch-Branch VPN Mesh Links..
100%|##################################################################################################################################################################################|Time: 0:00:42

Prisma SD-WAN Fabric is now in Hub/Spoke mode.
edwards-mbp-pro:prisma_configure_mesh aaron$

Enable Regional Mesh (Selective Full Mesh or Hub/Spoke within a Region)
edwards-mbp-pro:prisma_configure_mesh aaron$ ./

Choose Prisma SD-WAN Network Meshing Stance:
1: Full Mesh
2: Regional Mesh
3: Hub/Spoke Links Only
4: Custom Mesh

Choose a Number or (Q)uit: 2
Loading VPN topology information for 42 sites, please wait.
100%|#######################################################################################################################################################################|Time: 0:00:08

Select Region to change Meshing Stance:
1: CHINA (5 sites): Current mode: Hub/Spoke
2: Denver (2 sites): Current mode: Hub/Spoke
3: East Coast Branches (8 sites): Current mode: Hub/Spoke
4: West Coast Branches (13 sites): Current mode: Full Mesh
5: Apply Changes

(Note: 2 Regions were below minimum site membership (2) and ignored: MK, test)

Choose a Number or (Q)uit: 2
Region Denver:
Sites: 2
Current mode: Hub/Spoke

Select an action for this region:
1: Change to Full Mesh
2: Return to previous menu

Choose a Number or (Q)uit: 1

Select Region to change Meshing Stance:
1: CHINA (5 sites): Current mode: Hub/Spoke
2: *Denver (2 sites): Pending change to: Full Mesh
3: East Coast Branches (8 sites): Current mode: Hub/Spoke
4: West Coast Branches (13 sites): Current mode: Full Mesh
5: Apply Changes

(Note: 2 Regions were below minimum site membership (2) and ignored: MK, test)

Choose a Number or (Q)uit: 4
Region West Coast Branches:
Sites: 13
Current mode: Full Mesh

Select an action for this region:
1: Change to Hub/Spoke
2: Return to previous menu

Choose a Number or (Q)uit: 1

Select Region to change Meshing Stance:
1: CHINA (5 sites): Current mode: Hub/Spoke
2: *Denver (2 sites): Pending change to: Full Mesh
3: East Coast Branches (8 sites): Current mode: Hub/Spoke
4: *West Coast Branches (13 sites): Pending change to: Hub/Spoke
5: Apply Changes

(Note: 2 Regions were below minimum site membership (2) and ignored: MK, test)

Choose a Number or (Q)uit: 1
Region CHINA:
Sites: 5
Current mode: Hub/Spoke

Select an action for this region:
1: Change to Full Mesh
2: Return to previous menu

Choose a Number or (Q)uit: 1

Select Region to change Meshing Stance:
1: *CHINA (5 sites): Pending change to: Full Mesh
2: *Denver (2 sites): Pending change to: Full Mesh
3: East Coast Branches (8 sites): Current mode: Hub/Spoke
4: *West Coast Branches (13 sites): Pending change to: Hub/Spoke
5: Apply Changes

(Note: 2 Regions were below minimum site membership (2) and ignored: MK, test)

Choose a Number or (Q)uit: 5

Pending Prisma SD-WAN Regional Mesh changes will:
Create 19 NEW Public WAN Branch-Branch VPN Mesh Links
Create 4 NEW Private WAN Branch-Branch VPN Mesh Links
Remove 235 EXISTING Public WAN Branch-Branch VPN Mesh Links
Remove 1 EXISTING Private WAN Branch-Branch VPN Mesh Links

Are you sure? [N]: y

Deploying 23 new and removing 236 existing Branch-Branch VPN Mesh Links..
100%|#######################################################################################################################################################################|Time: 0:00:39

Prisma SD-WAN Fabric successfully updated the Regional Meshing stance.
edwards-mbp-pro:prisma_configure_mesh aaron$

Caveats and known issues:

If you have a LARGER network (>500 sites) - Please reach out to support to coordinate enabling full mesh

Selective/Partial mesh is usually the most effective and has the best performance/scale ratio.



Updated with better Regional Mesh support

Initial Release.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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