PrivateBinAPI 1.0.0

Creator: railscoder56

Last updated:

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PrivateBinAPI 1.0.0

PrivateBin API is a wrapper for API interactions with PrivateBin instances.
It allows you to send, get, and delete pastes from PrivateBin instances.

Installing PrivateBin API and Supported Versions
PrivateBin API is available on PyPI: (not quite yet)
$ python -m pip install privatebinapi
PrivateBin API officially supports Python 3.6+.


Send, retrieve, and delete pastes on any PrivateBin instance
Officially supports PrivateBin 1.0 through 1.3
Full support for both synchronous and asynchronous code
Upload and download files
Proxy support


Basic usage
PrivateBin API is designed to be as easy to use as possible. A quick
example of the most basic features is shown below:
>>> import privatebinapi
>>> send_response = privatebinapi.send("", text="Hello, world!")
>>> get_response = privatebinapi.get(send_response["full_url"])
>>> get_response['text'] == "Hello, world!"
>>> delete_response = privatebinapi.delete(send_response["full_url"], send_response["deletetoken"])
Each function returns a modified version of the JSON received from the PrivateBin instance.
All parameters shown in the docs below are optional and may be combined
in any way.

Sending a Paste
To send a paste containing nothing but text, do the following:
>>> import privatebinapi
>>> response = privatebinapi.send("", text="Hello, world!")
You can expect the send function to return something similar to the following:
"deletetoken": "< paste delete token >",
"full_url": "< direct link to paste> ",
"id": "< paste ID >",
"passcode": "< paste passcode >",
"status": 0,
"url": "/?< paste ID >"

Setting an Expiration
There are a limited number of valid expiration times. You must select
one of the following:
("5min", "10min", "1hour", "1day", "1week", "1month", "1year", "never")
The default is "1day".
>>> import privatebinapi
>>> response = privatebinapi.send(
... "",
... text="Hello, world!",
... expiration="5min"
... )

Setting a password
Putting a password on your paste is easy:
>>> import privatebinapi
>>> response = privatebinapi.send(
... "",
... text="Hello, world!",
... password="Secure123!"
... )

Choosing Compression
There are only two valid options for this parameter: "zlib" and
None. The default is "zlib".
>>> import privatebinapi
>>> response = privatebinapi.send(
... "",
... text="Hello, world!",
... compression=None
... )

Choosing a Format
There are only three valid options for this parameter: "plaintext",
"syntaxhighlighting", and "markdown". The default is
>>> import privatebinapi
>>> response = privatebinapi.send(
... "",
... text="Hello, world!",
... formatting="markdown"
... )

Burn After Reading
If you want a paste to be deleted immediately after being read, pass
True to the burn_after_reading parameter. The default is
>>> import privatebinapi
>>> response = privatebinapi.send(
... "",
... text="Hello, world!",
... burn_after_reading=True
... )

Enable Discussion
To enable discussion, pass True to the discussion parameter. The
default is False.
>>> import privatebinapi
>>> response = privatebinapi.send(
... "",
... text="Hello, world!",
... discussion=True
... )

Getting a Paste
Getting a paste from a PrivateBin instance is very easy:
>>> import privatebinapi
>>> response = privatebinapi.get("")
You can expect the get function to return something similar to the following:
"attachment": {
"content": b"< attachment content in bytes >",
"filename": "< name of attachment >"
"id": '< paste ID >",
"meta": {
"created": < UNIX timestamp >,
"time_to_live": < seconds until deletion >
"status": 0,
"text": "< text content of the paste >",
"url": "/?< paste ID >",
"v": < encryption version 1 or 2 >}

Getting a Password Protected Paste
If the paste is password protected, use the password parameter.
>>> import privatebinapi
>>> response = privatebinapi.get(
... "",
... password="Secure123!"
... )

Deleting a Paste
You can expect the delete function to return something similar to the following:
"id": '< paste ID >",
"status": 0,
"url": "/?< paste ID >",
To delete a paste, you need its URL and delete token.
>>> import privatebinapi
>>> response = privatebinapi.delete(
... "",
... "fake1delete2token3"
... )

Using a Proxy
All functions have an optional keyword parameter, proxies, that
accepts a dictionary of proxies like you would see in the Requests
>>> import privatebinapi
>>> response = privatebinapi.send(
... "",
... text="Hello, world!",
... proxies={
... "http": "",
... "https": ""
... }
... )

Using Async Functions
privatebinapi.send, privatebinapi.get and
privatebinapi.delete all have async analogs. They accept all the
same parameters that their synchronous counterparts do.
import asyncio

import privatebinapi

async def main():
send_response = await privatebinapi.send_async(
text="Hello, world!"
get_response = await privatebinapi.get_async(send_response["full_url"])
delete_response = await privatebinapi.delete_async(

loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
Both privatebinapi.send and privatebinapi.get do encryption and
decryption using an executor. It will use the default
executor for your event loop if executor is None.

PrivateBin API is offered under the MIT license.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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