processing-py 0.3.7

Creator: railscoder56

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processingpy 0.3.7

Processing Python
Processing Python is a powerful and easy-to-use Graphics Library for Python based on Processing.
It allows you to draw shapes in a window with simple functions like rect() or line(), design animations using the mouse position and much more.
Install the processing-py package using pip:
pip install processing-py --upgrade

The first time you run some code using the library, a script will automatically download the appropriate Processing-py command line tools and Java Runtime Enviromment 8u202 for you system (~120 MB).
How to use
from processing_py import *

app = App(600,400) # create window: width, height
app.background(255,0,0) # set background: red, green, blue
app.redraw() # refresh the window

#app.exit() # close the window

from processing_py import *

app = App(600,400) # create window: width, height
app.background(0,0,0) # set background: red, green, blue
app.fill(255,255,0) # set color for objects: red, green, blue
app.rect(100,100,200,100) # draw a rectangle: x0, y0, size_x, size_y
app.fill(0,0,255) # set color for objects: red, green, blue
app.ellipse(300,200,50,50) # draw a circle: center_x, center_y, size_x, size_y
app.redraw() # refresh the window

Mouse & Animation
from processing_py import *
app = App(600,400) # create window: width, height

app.background(0,0,0) # set background: red, green, blue
app.fill(255,255,0) # set color for objects: red, green, blue
app.ellipse(app.mouseX,app.mouseY,50,50) # draw a circle: center_x, center_y, size_x, size_y
app.redraw() # refresh the window

More functions
Explore all the possibilities in the Processing Reference.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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