product-sync 1.5

Creator: railscoder56

Last updated:

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productsync 1.5

Connect Product Synchronizer

CloudBlue Connect is a supply automation platform that manages your products and services, contracts,
ordering and fulfillment, usage and subscriptions.
It supports any product, from physical goods to cloud products, as well as any channel, including your
direct and indirect sales channels and internal procurement.
With its flexible APIs, it can connect to any commerce platform.
Vendors can leverage CloudBlue Connect to:

Reduce the total cost of ownership for homegrown technology supporting their indirect channel
Standardize integrations with partners
Increase efficiencies and minimize redundancies by bridging their direct and indirect sales channels

Service providers can use CloudBlue Connect to:

Define, manage and distribute any type of product (omni-product) through any channel (omni-channel)
Transform perpetual licensed products into a subscription model
Onboard new products into their portfolio quickly to build and deliver unique solutions to end customers

product-sync allow users to export/synchronize the items of a product to/from an Excel workbook.
Using a virtualenv
To use product-sync you need any *nix system with python 3.6 or later installed.
The preferred way to install product-sync is using a virtualenv:
$ virtualenv psync
$ source pysync/bin/activate
$ pip install product-synchronizer

Binary distributions
A single executable binary distribution is available for both linux and mac osx (amd64).
You can it from the Github Releases page.
To install under linux:
$ curl -O -J
$ tar xvfz product-sync_1.2_linux_amd64.tar.gz
$ sudo cp dist/ccli /usr/local/bin/ccli

To install under Mac OSX:
$ curl -O -J
$ tar xvfz product-sync_1.2_linux_amd64.tar.gz
$ sudo cp dist/ccli /usr/local/bin/ccli

If your user is not a sudoer, you can copy the ccli executable from the dist directory to a directory of your choice
that is listed in the PATH variable.

First of all you need to configure the product-sync with the CloudBlue Connect API endpoint and key.
$ ccli configure --url --key "ApiKey XXXXX:YYYYY"

Dump products to Excel
To dump products to Excel run:
$ ccli product dump PRD-000-000-000 PRD-000-000-001 PRD-000-000-002 --out my_products.xlsx

Synchronize products
To sync products from Excel run:
$ ccli product sync --in my_products.xlsx

product-sync is released under the Apache License Version 2.0.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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