Products.AdvancedQuery 4.2.1

Creator: railscoder56

Last updated:

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Products.AdvancedQuery 4.2.1

AdvancedQuery is a Zope product extending Zope’s search
engine ZCatalog with the following key features:

flexible and intuitive construction of query objects
support for arbitrary “and”, “or” and “not” combinations of queries
flexible multi-level sort support; incremental sorting
ranking support
new elementary searches (such as “glob” and “regexp” searches)
support for incremental filtering
functional and/or efficiency gains via Zope “(subscription) adapter”s
for indexes
optional integration with
a low level incremental search engine
aiming to reduce the number of ZODB loads for searching

For more information, see AdvancedQuery.html in the doc subfolder.

The package can be pip installed.
The use of this package requires that its configure.zcml is
“executed” during startup (usually, this happens automatically).
In order to use this package in Plone, the companion package
dm.plone.advancedquery must be installed and its configure.zcml
“executed” during startup.

Partial history

Adapt to module move Products.ZCatalog.Lazy --> ZTUtils.Lazy.

Handle size based switch from dict to IIBTree for
ZCTextIndex’s word info values.

Extensions/optimizations for ZCTextIndex with Okapi-Index.

Python 3/Zope 4 compatibility
Drop support for Zope2 (due to significant differences
between the Products.ZCatalog versions for
Zope2 and Zope 4+, respectively).
Supports Plone 5.2+ via the companion package dm.plone.advancedquery.
Integration of indexes and dm.incrementalsearch now customizable
via (subscription) adapters – independence of Products.ManagableIndex
and dm.incrementalsearch.

Adapt to cosmetic modifications in Products.CMFCore==2.3.0.

use the newer index sorting API (documentToKeyMap) if
the older API (keyForDocument) is missing or obviously broken.
The fix has been introduced for the nogopip index used in Plone 4.1.
Unfortunately, this index version not only defines a broken
keyForDocument but in addition uses call frame inspection targeted
at ZCatalog sorting which fails when called by AdvancedQuery,
Until this problem is resolved, you cannot use a nogopip index as
sort index for AdvancedQuery.

Zope 2.13 compatibility

fix test suite for Zope 2.12 by dropping ZopeTestCase.framework support.
This implies that the test suite can now only be executed via the Zope
test runner.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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