Products.BeakerSessionDataManager 2.1

Creator: railscoder56

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Products.BeakerSessionDataManager 2.1


Products.BeakerSessionDataManager is a replacement for the default Zope 2
session implementation. It uses Beaker as a backend (via collective.beaker)
and adapts the Beaker session to provide the same interface as a normal Zope
Beaker is a better alternative to the default session implementation for several

The Zope session implementation does not perform well in high-write scenarios.
Beaker provides better flexibility in where session data is actually stored.
Beaker is used and maintained outside of the Zope ecosystem.

If you are developing a product that needs sessions but are not already
using Zope sessions, you should probably just use collective.beaker
directly. This product is meant for use with existing add-ons that already
use Zope sessions (i.e. request.SESSION).


Add the Products.BeakerSessionDataManager egg to your buildout:
eggs =

Make sure that buildout adds Beaker configuration to zope.conf. For example:
zope-conf-additional =
<product-config beaker>
session.type file
session.data_dir ${buildout:directory}/var/sessions/data
session.lock_dir ${buildout:directory}/var/sessions/lock
session.key beaker.session
session.secret secret
The “secret” should be replaced with a unique string for your system. It
must be the same for all Zope instances using the same session store.
See the collective.beaker docs for more details on configuration.

In the ZMI, delete the session_data_manager object and add a
Beaker Session Data Manager.


Beaker does not automatically clean up old sessions, so you may want to set
up a cron job to take care of this.


David Glick [davisagli]
Paul Roe [kuetrzi]


2.1 (2021-05-12)

Add dict API methods on BeakerSessionDataObject for plone addons compatibility

2.0 (2021-05-12)

Python 3 compatibility and drop Python 2.6 compability

1.1 (2011-12-05)

Made compatible with Zope 2.10.

1.0 (2011-06-29)

Add test and fix for missing __len__.

1.0b1 (2011-04-17)

Initial release.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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