Products.FSDump 0.9.5

Creator: railscoder56

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Products.FSDump 0.9.5

FSDump Product Overview
FSDump grew out of an itch which many Zope developers have:
through-the-web development is faster and easier to do, but
causes significant deployment and configuration management
problems. Through-the-web code cannot (easily) be checked into
CVS, or diffed to show changes, or grepped to find the source
of an error message.


The first goal is to ease the burden of getting TTW code
under version control: i.e., to make it possible to check
a representation of the TTW code into CVS, and then to see
what changes between versions.
Keep the file-system representations of the TTW objects
simple and “natural” (we are explicitly avoiding XML here).
Future goals might include:

o Two-way migration (e.g., make changes to dumped items in
vim/emacs, and then import those changes back into the
TTW code).

See the separate installation directions.


Use the “Add list” to create a “Dumper” instance in a folder
(or Product) which contains the TTW code to be dumped.
Supply an absolute path to a directory on the filesystem
in which the dumper is to create the files (note that the
user as whom Zope is running needs write access to this
directory). See the form help.
Click the “Change and Dump” button to do the dump to the
indicated directory.

Mapping TTW Code to the Filesystem
See the mappings documentation.

Known Issues

Some types of metadata (bobobase_modification_time) won’t
be exported as a property.
See the TODO list.

Edit / Dump Dumper

The “Edit / Dump” view of an Dumper instance is used to set the
filesystem path to which the object’s parent will be dumped, and
to initiate this dumping.
how the operations


The id of the Dumper object (readonly)

Filesystem path
The path under which the Dumper’s parent will have its filesystem
analog (a subdirectory) created. All children of the Dumper’s
parent will have their analogs created under this subdirectory.
E.g., if the value of this field is /tmp, and the parent folder
is called parent_folder, then the dumper will create a
subdirectory, /tmp/parent_folder, and build objects in it
corresponding to the dumper’s “siblings”.

Use .metadata file
If checked, write a “new-style” .metadata file, in a format
compatilbie with CMF 1.4 and later. Properties go into the
[Default] section.

Changes the filesystem mapping.

Change and Dump
Changes the filesystem mapping and performs the dumping.

Mapping TTW Code to the Filesystem

General Mapping

Create the most “natural” filesystem analogue for each TTW
item: Folders -> directories, DTML Methods/Documents ->
DTML files, PythonMethods -> Python modules.
Trap non-inline properties in a companion file, with a
.properties suffix. Store one property per line, using
name:type=value syntax.

XXX: in companion .metadata file, store the properties
in the [Default] section.

Map the permission-role map in the [Permissions] section of the
companion .metadata file (XXX this feature not present before
the switch to .metadata, although it might have mapped to the
.security file supported by CMF 1.3)
Map local roles in the [LocalRoles] section of the
companion .metadata file (XXX this feature not present before
the switch to .metadata)
Write proxy roles to a proxy property (XXX CMF 1.4 compatibility;
this is an ugly spelling). Should probably put it into a “prettier”
spelling, as well, and lobby to change the spelling used in CMF.
Preserve enough metadata to be able to recreate the TTW
object, preferably by using its web interface. This rule
is the chief differentiator (in concept) from pickling; we
don’t save state which cannot be set by a TTW manager.

Specific Mappings


Recursively store contained items into the folder’s directory.
Store a list of the dumped items in an .objects file,
one line per item, using the format, name:meta_type.

XXX: in .metadata file, store the same lines in an
[Objects] directory.

File / Image

Save the file contents themselves in binary format using the item’s id.
Store properties in *.properties.


Create a single file containng the text of the template. Filename will
have extension, .dtml.


Create a single file containng the text of the template. Filename will
have extension, .dtml.
Store properties in *.properties.

Python Script

Create a module containing a single top-level function definition, using
the “read” format (bindings in comments at the top).


Create a single file containng the text of the template. Filename will
have extension, .pt.
Store properties in *.properties.

SQL Method

Inject the parameter list inline into the body, with a leading blank line.


Store the paths of the catalogued objects in a <id>.catalog file,
one line per item.
Store the index definititions in a <id>.indexes file,
one line per index, using the format, name:meta_type.
Store the schema in a <id>.metadata file, one line per
field name.

Controller Python Script

Create a module containing a single top-level function
definition, using the “read” format (bindings in comments
at the top). Filename will have extension, .cpy
Store properties in *.properties.

Controller Validator

Create a module containing a single top-level function
definition, using the “read” format (bindings in comments
at the top). Filename will have extension, .vpy
Store properties in *.properties.

Controller Page Template

Create a single file containng the text of the template.
Filename will have extension, .cpt.
Store properties in *.properties.

Mappings for Obsolete Types

Python Method

Create a module containing a single top-level function
definition, using the name, argument list, and body.


Map to a directory.
Store “basic” tab values in .properties
Store icon in .icon
Store propertysheets in propertysheets/common.
Store method tab objects (including nested ZClasses)
in propertysheets/methods.

Common Instance Property Sheet (ZClass property sheet)

Store properties as name:type=value in file of same name.

Zope Permission

Store values in *.properties.

Zope Factory

Store values in *.properties.


Map to a directory.
Store properties in .properties.
Store pages.


Store text in *.wizardpage.
Store properties in *.properties.

FSDump Changelog

0.9.5 (2009-11-03)

Removed broken HelpSys registrations.
Fixed the version number used in making the sdist.

0.9.4 (2009-02-22)

Repackaged as a Python egg.
Converted docs to ReStructured text.
Moved from CVS to SVN.

0.9.3 (2006-12-20)

Applied patch from Damine Baty, fixing the output of dumping ZSQLMethods
to match the format used by CMF’s FSZSQLMethods.
Applied patch from Alejo Roda, adding a handler for Formulator forms.
Applied patch from Willi Langenburger, adding a handler for ZWikiPage

0.9.2 (2005-08-09)

CVS tag: FSDump-0_9_2
Reverted handler_overrides brownbag

0.9.1 (2005-08-09)

CVS tag: FSDump-0_9_1
Added argument to Dumper factory to allow caller to supply handler
Applied patch from Sam Brauer, addressing the following issues:

Proxy roles and security settings weren’t being written to
the .metadata file.
The [Default] section should be named [default].
The property-type extensions confuse CMF’s FilesystemDirectoryView
(the patch removes the :string for string properties; others
are likely still broken).

0.9 (2005-04-29)

CVS tag: FSDump-0_9
Merged Andy Fundinger’s work, adding handlers for the following
CMFFormController meta_types:


Fix missing import of ConflictError (thanks to Willi Langenburger
for the patch).
Applied a patch from Willi Langenburger to permit use of a dumper
in the root of the Zope instance.

0.8.1 (2004-12-09)

CVS tag: FSDump-0_8_1
Repackaged to nest the actual products directory inside a version-
qualified wrapper directory; added an INSTALL.txt in the wrapper.

0.8 (2004-10-13)

CVS tag: FSDump-0_8
Applied patch from Zope collector #1463 to make dumped SQL methods
fit better with CMF’s FSSQLMethod representation.

0.7 (2004-05-17)

CVS tag: FSDump-0_7
Added knob to force use of single .metadata file, rather than
multiples (CMF 1.4 compatibility).
Migrated ZMI to use PageTemplates.
Bug: when synthesizing a file extension, Dumper didn’t include the
synthesized extension in the name of the “companion” properties file.

0.6 (2001-08-09)

CVS tag: FSDump-0_6
Add handlers for:


0.5 (2001-08-03)

CVS tag: FSDump-0_5
Add handlers for:


0.4 (2001-06-18)

CVS tag: FSDump-0_4
Conform to the “Finished Project Guidelines”,
Added HelpSystem stuff.
Moved to use declarative security.

0.3 (2001-01-06)

No CVS tag?
Dump ZClass icon.
Add handlers for:

Wizard Pages

0.2 (2000-11-19)

CVS tag: FSDump-0_2
Add handlers for:

ZClass property sheets
TTW Permissions
TTW Factories

Fix unixism in Dumper._setFSPath() – thanks Craig! (

0.1 (2000-11-16)

CVS tag: FSDump-0_1
Initial release



For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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