Products.googlecoop 2.1

Creator: railscoder56

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Products.googlecoop 2.1

Introduction ============ Google Co-op 2.0 is a complete rewrite of Google Co-op for plone 4. It was built using paster. It does not add any new content types to your site, just an additional view for plone collections and plone site. Install ======= Add ``Products.googlecoop`` to the list of eggs to install, e.g.: :: [buildout] ... eggs = ... Products.googlecoop Re-run buildout, e.g. with: :: $ ./bin/buildout Install the Product in Site-Setup Add/Remove Products. Enter your Custom Search Engine's unique identifier in the googlecoop configuration. (You find the identifier in the code section in the control panel of your searchengine) You can access the search page of your search engine by adding /@@googlecoop_view to the url of your plone instance. Options ======= In the Google Co-op control panel you can customize almost any aspect of your custom search engine Create a Linked Custom Search Engine using a Collection ======================================================= After the installation of the product a new view 'Google CSE View' is available for collections. In a Linked CSE the specification of the search engine is hosted on your website. Google retrieves the CSE specification from your website when your user searches in the CSE. The specifications can be accessed by adding @@cseannotations.xml and @@csecontext.xml to your plone site root or a collection. This has several very important benefits: * You can easily convert the results of a topic to a Custom Search Engine. * You can automatically generate any number of CSEs. * You can easily update your Linked CSE definitions without pushing data to Google. * There are no global, per user annotation limits. You can now exploit the full power of your ideas to dynamically generate CSEs. Links ===== - Code repository: - Questions and comments to - Report bugs at Changelog ========= 2.1 - 2011/11/30 ------------------- - add monkeypatch for ATEvent so it provides getRemoteUrl - plone 4.1 compatible 2.0 - 2011/03/18 ------------------- - Rewrite for plone 4 using paster 1.1 - December 3, 2010 ---------------------- - Publish portal_googlecoop tool in case it's in private state right after product installation. [piv] 1.0 - November 22, 2010 ----------------------- - Made plone2.5 compatible product googlecoop into plone3 compatible python package Products.googlecoop. Copied from [piv] 0.5 - Oct 12, 2007 -------------------- Better support for Keywords to be used as labels 0.4 - Oct 04, 2007 -------------------- Co-op gets tasty, build a CSE dynamically from your Bookmarks 0.2 ---- Added Google domain and meaningful default values to get you kickstarted 0.1 --- Initial release


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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