Products.salesforcebaseconnector 1.4

Creator: railscoder56

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Products.salesforcebaseconnector 1.4

The Salesforce Base Connector product provides a Zope-aware tool for
interacting with the Python-based Beatbox Salesforce client and
for storing username and password information for connecting to
a instance.

Rationale For This Product provides an extensible, powerful platform from which
to do Customer Relationship Management (CRM) tasks ranging from sales,
marketing, nonprofit constituent organizing, and customer service.
Beatbox is a Python wrapper to the API (version 16.0), and
provides the underpinnings for this product, but suffers from several
limitations from within the Zope/Plone integrator space.
Salesforce Base Connector aims to augment Beatbox for Zope/Plone developers,
providing a convenient and cleanly integrated set of features:

Managing Salesforce credentials
Managing HTTP connections to Salesforce
Managing Zope permissions over view and edit actions against Salesforce
Providing an interface to the Salesforce API from within restricted Python;
for example, in Python Script objects and Zope Page Templates

Additionally, Salesforce Base Connector is intended to decouple Zope/Plone
development projects from the specific Python toolkit used as the interface to
Salesforce. If a more current alternative to Beatbox comes onto the scene,
Salesforce Base Connector can be updated to use this code base as its underlying
Salesforce Base Connector is intended to be used as the foundational piece for
your own Plone/Salesforce applications.

Compatible with Zope 2.9, 2.10, 2.11, and 2.12.
Depends upon the Beatbox library, which is a Python wrapper to the API (version 16.0). Beatbox 16.0 or greater is required.
To download and install beatbox, please visit:
If installing salesforcebaseconnector via setuptools or zc.buildout, beatbox
should be automatically installed as a dependency.

Installation and Configuration


Add Products.salesforcebaseconnector to the eggs section of your buildout
configuration and run buildout.
Restart Zope.
In ZMI, add Salesforce Base Connector to root of site, then set username and
password. The credentials will be tested for validity before being stored.

Traditional Zope Product

Install dependencies (see beatbox/README.txt for install instructions)
Unpack the salesforcebaseconnector product package into the Products folder
of the Zope/Plone instance. Check your ownership and permissions.
Restart Zope.
In ZMI, add Salesforce Base Connector to root of site, then set username
and password. The credentials will be tested for validity before being

Additional Documentation and Support
Product home is A
documentation area and issue tracker are available at the linked
For examples of the various API calls that are available,
see interfaces/
A Google Group, called Plone Salesforce Integration exists with the sole aim
of discussing and developing tools to make Plone integrate well with If you have a question, joining this group and posting to the
mailing list is the likely best way to get support.
Failing that, please try using the Plone users’ mailing list or the #plone irc channel for
support requests. If you are unable to get your questions answered there, or are
interested in helping develop the product, see the credits below for
individuals you might contact.

The Plone & Salesforce crew in Seattle and Portland:

Jon Baldivieso <jonb –AT– groundwire –DOT– org>
Andrew Burkhalter <andrewburkhalter –AT– gmail –DOT– com>
Brian Gershon <briang –AT– webcollective –DOT– coop>
David Glick <davidglick –AT– groundwire –DOT– org>
Jesse Snyder <jesses –AT– npowerseattle –DOT– org>

Jesse Snyder and NPower Seattle for the foundation of code that has become
Salesforce Base Connector
Simon Fell for providing the beatbox Python wrapper to the API Foundation and Enfold Systems for their gift and work on beatbox
See the CHANGES.txt file for the growing list of people who helped
with particular features or bugs.

Distributed under the GPL.
See LICENSE.txt and LICENSE.GPL for details.

Running Tests
To run tests in a unix-like environment, do the following:
$ cd $INSTANCE/Products/salesforcebaseconnector/tests
$ cp
Then edit with your USERNAME and PASSWORD
$ ./bin/zopectl test -s Products.salesforcebaseconnector

FAQ about running tests
If you see an error message like the following and you’re certain your
login/password combination IS valid:
SoapFaultError: 'INVALID_LOGIN' 'INVALID_LOGIN: Invalid username or password or locked out.'
You’re likely running into one of several security measures in effect at You can do one of the following.
Setup your security token within your Salesforce instance and append it to your password
To do so, following these instructions:

Log into your instance
Click Setup
My Personal information
Reset My Security Token
edit to have “mypassword[token]” (where [token] is your security token)

Whitelist your IP address
This can be done at the following:

Log into your instance
Click Setup
Security Controls
Network Access

The latter option may be preferable in a production environment, since the
security token is more likely to change over time with password updates. For
testing, either is fine.
You can find the needed background at
Often tests can fail if one has aborted the running of the tests midstream,
thus bypassing the cleanup (i.e. removing fake contacts) that happens after
each individual test is run. If you encounter incorrect assertions about the
numbers of contacts in your Salesforce instance, try searching for and cleaning
up dummy John and Jane Doe contacts.

Change history
1.4 (2010-08-23)

Store clients on the ZODB connection object rather than in a volatile

1.3 (2010-06-17)

Add a validateCredentials method that can be used from a remote monitor to
confirm that the base connector is still able to connect to Salesforce.
Make sure that item access to QueryRecord objects is allowed from Restricted
Make sure that QueryRecordSets can be accessed from Restricted Python.

1.2 (2009-11-12)

Make sure that QueryRecords can be accessed from Restricted Python.
This fixes
Avoid deprecated import from Globals in Zope 2.12.
Confirmed compatibility with Plone 4.

1.2b2 (2009-09-11)

Enabled the beatbox type descriptions cache. If you edit the schema of
an object in Salesforce, you’ll need to either go to
portal_salesforcebaseconnector and press the ‘Purge cache’ button,
or restart Zope.

1.2b1 (2009-09-08)

Added the search method from beatbox 16.0.
Modified the method signature of the query method to match beatbox and the API. Now a single full SOQL statement is expected, rather
than the old 3-part field list, sObject type, and optional where clause.
The old method signature is deprecated but should still work for now.
Refactored the session timeout handling to use a
‘recover_from_session_timeout’ decorator to avoid code repetition.
Replaced the _getClient method with a property called client.
_getClient is now deprecated.
Added button in ZMI to flush the beatbox type description cache.
beatbox 16.0dev or greater is now required.
Call describeSObjects in batches of 100 object types (
limit in recent versions of the API).

1.1.1 (2009-05-13)

Don’t persist the serverUrl unless it differs from beatbox’s default.

1.1 (2009-05-13)

Fixed configuration form so if the form validation fails it doesn’t wipe
out your form values.
Added option to configure the Salesforce API SOAP endpoint (server URL).
Remove deprecated parameter product_name from ToolInit call, this has been
gone since before 2.5.5 which is our earliest Salesforce Base Connector

1.0.1 final (2009-01-20)

Fixed packaging issue and contain in released version 1.0 final

1.0 final (2009-01-13)

Updated beatbox dependency to version
Don’t use trademarked icon.

1.0c1 (2008-12-22)

Protect the base connector’s query, queryMore, retrieve, getDeleted, and
getUpdated methods with the ‘Manage portal’ permission instead of making
them publicly traversable. Note that this means any restricted Python
calling these methods (e.g. page templates or Python scripts) will need
to use a proxy role that has this permission in order to continue functioning.
Don’t display a configured password in the configuration form. [davisagli]
Refactored credentials check so that invalid credentials will result in a warning
shown to the user, rather than failing silently. This closes issue #2. [andrewb, davisagli]
Integration test suites all based on CMFTestCase and creation of CMF Site,
rather than PloneTestCase and Plone site for performance reasons [andrewb]


Added new publicly supported API “listFieldsRequiredForCreation” which
encapsulates some of the rules for which fields are required upon object
creation via the SOAP API for The benefit being that
additional packages need not reproduce the following, which may evolve

not fieldData.nillable and
not fieldData.defaultedOnCreate and fieldData.createable

listFieldsRequiredForCreation accepts a Salesforce Object type as its
lone required argument (Jesse Snyder)

Removing unneeded portal_skins FSDV (Jesse Snyder)
Improved docstrings for interfaces (Jesse Snyder)


Updating CMFCore permission imports to work with CMF-2.1.0 (Emyr Thomas)
Tested with Plone 3.0 final (Andrew Burkhalter)


Initial import and creation of standalone product


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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