Products.Zelenium 1.0.3

Creator: railscoder56

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Products.Zelenium 1.0.3

Zelenium: Selenium Tests on Zope2

This product allows developers to create TTW Selenium test suites
inside their Zope instance, in order to do browser-based functional
testing of their site.


A working Zope2 installation. See Installing Zope for directions
on getting Zope 2.12 set up in a virtualenv, or Installing Zope
using zc.buildout for
installing it in a buildout.

Installing the Product
If you’re using buildout, add Products.Zelenium to the eggs =
parameter of the instance part.
If using the virtualenv approach to developing Zope2 software, add
Products.Zelenium to the install_requires parameter in the of your package or just run bin/easy_install Products.Zelenium
after installing Zope2.
Finally, if you’re using the traditional INSTANCE_HOME installation:

Unpack the tarball in a temporary location.
Copy or move the Zelenium directory to the Products directory
Restart Zope.

Using Zelenium
You can add a Zuite object at any location within your Zope
site. It behaves as a standard ordered folder, with a couple of

It’s index_html is the “TestRunner.html” view familiar
from Selenium.
It derives the test suite (in the upper left corner iframe)
from all OFS.Image.File objects whose names start with test.
You can use the OrderedFolder support to modify the order in
which the test case files are run.
It provides a “Zip” action, which allows you to export the
test suite, all test cases, and the supporting Selenium
Javascript / CSS files as a single, self-contained zipfile.

Reporting Bugs against Zelenium
Please use Launchpad to report bugs
you find against the product, as well as to submit patches, request
features, etc.

Adding Tests
Tests are just File instances whose names begin with test.
They should have a content type of text/html, and should contain
a table which defines the steps which make up the test case.
See for documentation
on the table structure and the Selenese language.

Using Additional Metatypes as Test Cases
On the “Properties” tab of your test suite, you can add / modify
the list of meta_types which the suite will allow as test cases.
Adding “Script (Python)”, for instance, allows you to define
test cases in PythonScripts.

Nesting Test Suites
Each test suite automatically includes the test cases of any
suite it contains. You can take advantage of this feature to
organize your test cases in a hierarchy, running them in separate
segments, or all at once.

Including Tests from the Filesystem
Test suites now have a property, filesystem_path; if set, the
suite will recursively load testcases from files in / under the
directory pointed to by that path.
The list of files to be included is computed via the following

If the testsuite_name property contains the name of a file that
exists in the directory, it is presumed to contain a list of
files containing tests, one per line. The test cases will be
presented in the order indicated in the file, and test cases
may be included more than once.
If the testsuite_name property is empty but the directory
contains a file, .objects, it is presumed to
contain a list of files to be included, one per line; only those
files / subdirectories (if present) will be included. In this case,
the test cases will be presented in the order indicated in the file,
followed by any test cases from subdirectories.
Otherwise, if the suite’s property, filename_glob is non-empty,
it will be expanded (via Python’s glob.glob) to compute the list
of filenames. The test cases will be presented in alphabetical
order, followed by any test cases from subdirectories.
Otherwise, any file will be considered a testcase. The test cases
will be presented in alphabetical order, followed by any test cases
from subdirectories.

Exporting an Archive
On the “Zip” tab, supply a filename and click the “Download” button.
The Zuite object will construct a zip file with the following

the “TestRunner.html” framework page

the list of test case files (rendered as static HTML)

your test case files (appending .html if the IDs do not have

The archive will also contain each of the supporting .js and .css
files which drive the browserbot.

Creating a Snapshot
On the “Zip” tab, supply a filename and click the “Download” button.
The Zuite object will construct a zip file with the same contents
described above, and then save it as a File object in its own contents.

Generating Testcases using tcpwatch

Download the tcpwatch product from Shane Hathaway’s site:

Unpack and run tcpwatch in its “HTTP proxy” mode, with recoring
turned on. E.g., the following command runs the proxy on
port 9999, recording the request / response data to the directory
$ python /path/to/tcpwatch/ \
-p 9999 -r /tmp/recorded_scenario

Configure your browser to use an HTTP proxy on localhost, port 9999.
Click through your site, exercising the features you are testing.
Stop the proxy. Run the script, pointing to the
directory where tcpwatch was recording:
$ python /path/to/Zelenium/ \
--logfile-directory=/tmp/recorded_scenario \

Edit the generated test case, removing / correcting the various
Upload the test case to a Zelenium Zuite and run it.

Capturing Results from the Test Run
Selenium has a feature which allows the testrunner to upload
result data from an automated test run to the server.
Invoke the test suite from your browser as usual, but append the
query string ?auto=true, to the URL, e.g.:


Selenium will run all test cases, and then upload its result data
to the postResults method of your suite. (Note that you no longer
need the postResults PythonScript in the root of your site, because
the latest version of Selenium posts to that name relative to the
test suite).

Zelenium Product Changelog

1.0.3 (2010-11-10)

Remove setuptools_bzr requirement, since that package was causing
installs to break. Instead, add a replacement sdist command which
aborts if setuptools_bzr cannot be imported.

1.0.2 (2010-05-05)

Add setuptools_bzr as a setup requirement to avoid future brown-bag
Fix rendering of results views which contain non-ASCI text. Thanks to
Leo Rochael for the test and the fix. Fixes lp:575415.
Updated README to indicate Zope2 prerequisite, and point to its installation

1.0.1 (2010-04-07)

Packaging update only, fixin brown-bag release (minus metadata files).
Also, note move of bug tracker from to Launchpad.

1.0 (2010-04-07)

Eggified, tested and removed deprecations under Zope 2.12.
Moved from to Launchpad.
Updated included selenium to selenium-core 0.8.3.
Applied a fix from Rob Miller to make Zelenium Zuite objects functional
in the presence of five:traverse, making index_html the explicit
default view.
Corrected the documentation in the README for capturing results of a test
run (auto=1 -> auto=true, in line with the Selenium documentation).
Thanks to Yoshinori Okuji for pointing this out.

0.8 (2006/05/16)

Fixed unit tests by wrapping filesystem objects that are rendered
during ZIP file creation - code in OFS.Image wants to acquire
Found how to make the dependency on ExternalEditor optional (thanks
to Andreas Jung for the bug report).
Stripped empty filenames out of manifest, to avoid infinite
Added the testsuite_name property that allows multiple test
suites to be built up from test cases within a single filesystem
Upgrade to selenium version 0.6
Suites now recurse through all “folderish” subobjects, looking
for tests (allows, for instance, tests to be loaded from disk via
CMF’s FileSystemDirectoryView). Thanks to Malcom Cleaton for the
Define zelenium_globals in to be able to
register the selenium directory for use as a CMF skin directory.
If debug-mode is set to “on” in zope.conf, filesystem-based testcases
files are reloaded every time they are used, to ease development of
filesystem-based test suites. This behavior emulates what the CMF
Filesystem Directory Views do with debug-mode on.
Moved repository to Subversion:

0.7 (2005/06/07)

Upgrade to use the Selenium “core application” from Selenium 0.4.0.
See for a summary
of changes.

The semantics of click have changed; that command
no longer waits by default, and the nowait modifier is no longer
meaningful. Use clickAndWait to get the desired semantics.

0.6 (2005/05/09)

Add ability to suppress inclusion of Selenium support files in
snapshot / download.
Add support for returning testcases from a mapped directory path,
including recursion through subdirectories of that path. Currently,
the implementation has the following issues:

o It only creates OFS.Image.File objects for test cases (no templates,
scripts, etc.)

Add unit tests for Zuite.__getitem__ behavior, including support files.

0.5.1 (2005/05/07)

Make passing / failing test cases in results view more obvious in
printed representation by adding icons. N.B.: at the moment, we do
this by sniffing the HTML of the test case for the “pink” backgrounds.
Apply patch from the selenium-devel list to fix regression in
testcase HTML extraction in postTestResults.
Make the posted results folder into its own class, derived from
Folder (moving the template out to a PageTemplateFile).
Further repaired recursive ZIPfile generation, including normalizing
URLs in generated HTML.
Extended zuite unittests to test listTestCases and
manage_createSnapshot, as well as recursive ZIPfile generation.

0.5 (2005/05/04)

Updated to use the “TestRunner core” from Selenium version 0.3.0.
See for more
Add unit tests for Zuite class.
Make ZIPfile generation work with nested suites.

0.4.1 (2005/05/02)

Repair breakage of ExternalEditor link in manage_main.
Compensate in display of test tables for non-padded integers
in the IDs (make them sort properly).

0.4 (2005/04/27)

Make Zuite instances recursively include their Zuite children’s
test cases (to allow easier organization of the test cases in a
Allow indiviual zuites to override the list of metatypes which
can be test cases, via a new testcase_metatypes property.
Force Zuite objects to show order support, even in the presence of
ExternalEditor, whose monkey patching seems to trip it up. Surface
the EE icon, if the product is available
Note: we are forking OFS/dtml/main.dtml and the version in
ExteranalEditor/manage_main.dtml to surface order support, which
is a pretty brutal hack. We should probably get ExteranalEditor
fixed, instead, and rip out the forked copy.

0.3.1 (2005/04/26)

Record server-side data during postResults: Zope version string,
product names and versions.
Captured additional request parameters in postResults: user agent,
HTTP host, remote address).

0.3 (2005/04/25)

Added postResults handling code to capture results as a sub-
folder of the suite.

0.2.1 (2005/04/21)

Correct the emitted HTML for input widgets (close the tr tag).
Fix unpack bug in code which punts on requests to “foreign” hosts.
Punt on handling XML-RPC requests (e.g., Epoz calls back to the
server to run Tidy).

0.2 (2005/04/20)

Added script,, to create Selenium testcase files
from the request / response logfiles created by tcpwatch.
Allowed test cases to be PageTemplates, as well as Files, to permit
indirecting through properties of the test suite (e.g., for
user id / password).

0.1 (2005/04/15)

Initial release


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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