project-sync 0.2.0

Creator: railscoder56

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projectsync 0.2.0

Project Sync=======================## Introduction#### WhatA simple tool based on `rsync` for uploading / synchronizing local project(files) to remote server.#### WhoFor people who want to work on a project locally (on your laptop) and sync the filesto remote server. For example, developing locally and executing remotely.#### Why`rsync` is flexible and powerful, but flags and options are way too complex formemorizing.## Installation```You can't use 'macro parameter character #' in math modeYou can't use 'macro parameter character #' in math mode cd ~/Code/demo_project psync‘‘‘Itwillgeneratetheconfiginteractively:‘‘‘Youarenotinaproject(no.psyncfound)!Generate.psynctocurrentdirectory(/Users/lazywei/Code/demoproject)[Y/n]?[Y]:YConfigwillbegeneratedat/Users/lazywei/Code/demoproject:−−−Remotepath[ /remote/path]: /remote/pathSSHhost[sshhost]:awsplaygroundSSHusernameorenter′−′toskip[sshuser]:−Filesorfolderstoignore(separatedbyspace)[]:.git.psyncignores:−.git−.psyncremote: /remote/pathssh:host:awsplaygroundusername:null−−−Projectrootisnow:/Users/lazywei/Code/demoproject‘‘‘2.Run‘psync‘underanynestedsubfoldersoftheprojectroottosynctheproject.‘‘‘ psync Running: rsync -e ssh -ruaz --exclude .git --exclude .psync --rsync-path mkdir -p ~/remote/path && rsync /Users/lazywei/Code/demo_project aws_playground:~/remote/path --- Sync Finished --- $ ssh aws_playground "ls -a ~/remote/path/demo_project" . .. README ```3. Run `psync watch` to watch any modification under the project root and perform sync automatically.### Usage Demo![Usage Demo](demo-usage.gif)### Config OptionsThe config (`.psync`) is a YAML file. You can edit it after initial generating.- `ignores`: an array contains all the files for folders to exclude by `rsync`- `ssh`: - `host`: SSH Host - `username`: SSH username, `null` to ignore this (for example, when you set this in `~/.ssh/config` already)- `remote`: where to sync on remote server## ContributionsThis project is currently in WIP stage; any discussion, bug report and PR are more than welcome.## Licensepsync is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.


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