projectify 0.1.11

Creator: railscoder56

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projectify 0.1.11

🤖📦 Pojectify!: A Command-Line Tool for Quick Python Project Setup
Proyectify is a command-line tool that generates and sets up a Python project structure with all necessary configurations, including a virtual environment, IDE setup, Git integration, and documentation generation with MkDocs.
✅ Features

Creation of the basic project structure with predefined folders.
Creation of virtual environments with the specified Python version using uv .
Configuration of base files such as pyproject.toml, .gitignore, Makefile, Dockerfile, etc.
Creation of a virtual environment with the specified Python version.
Initialization of a Git repository.
Installation of necessary packages such as ruff, pre-commit, mkdocs, mkdocstrings, pytest.
Setup for popular IDEs (VScode, Pycharm).
Automatic documentation generation for modules using mkdocs and mkdocstrings.
Automatic configuration for Testing with Pytest.

📦 Requirements

Python 3.8 or higher.
In macOS, DevsTools must be installed.

🚀 Quick Start
☁️ Instalation
To run the package and set up your project, use the following command:
pip install projectify

</> Command-Line Options
During script execution, you will be prompted for the following options:

Project Name: Enter the name of your new project.
IDE Selection: Select your favorite IDE (VScode, Pycharm, Other).
Python Version: Select the Python version to use. If only one version is installed, it will be used automatically.



-i, --init
Create a new project

-c, --clean
Clean generated files and directories

-id, --install-dependencies
Install dependencies from requirements.txt

-t, --run-tests
Run tests in the tests directory

-l, --lint
Run linter (Ruff) on the project

-f, --format
Format the code using Ruff

-g, --generate-docs
Generate documentation using MkDocs

-h, --help
Show this help page and exit

-v, --version
Show the current version of Projectify

Warning: In future versions some commands may change
Dependency Installation
Installing uv
uv os installed automatically when running the package. If you want to install it manually, follow the instructions below.
macOS and Linux
curl -LsSf | sh

irm | iex

Installing make (only on Windows)
make is required to run the Makefile commands. To install make on Windows, use the following command:
choco install make

In Linux and macOS, make is installed by default.
📂 Project Structure
The package will generate the following folder structure:
│── .venv/
│── .vscode/
│ └── keybindings.json
│ └── settings.json
│ └── snippets.json
├── app/
│ └──
├── artifacts/
├── data/
├── docs/
│ └──
├── images/
├── modules/
│ └──
├── notebooks/
├── logs/
├── scripts/
│ └──
├── utils/
│ └──
├── .tests/
│ └──
│ └──
├── .dockerignore
├── .env
├── .gitignore
├── .pre-commit-config.yaml
├── Dockerfile
├── Makefile
├── mkdocs.yml
├── pyproject.toml

📝 Documentation Generation
The package generates documentation for each module using MkDocs and the MkDocstrings plugin. The documentation is generated in the docs folder.
To generate and serve documentation with MkDocs, use the following commands:
make docs

To generate documentation for modules, run:
make generate-docs

📚 Configuration Detail
uv for Virtual Environments
Proyectify uses uv, an extremely fast Python package installer and resolver written in Rust, as the virtual environment manager. For more information, refer to the uv documentation.
ruff for Linting and Formatting
Proyectify uses ruff as the linter and formatter. Ruff is An extremely fast Python linter and code formatter, written in Rust. For more information, refer to the ruff documentation
A base configuration is provided in the pyproject.toml file:
line-length = 88
indent-width = 4
include = ["pyproject.toml", "src/**/*.py"]
extend-include = ["*.ipynb"]

select = ["E4", "E7", "E9", "F"]
ignore = []
fixable = ["ALL"]
unfixable = []
dummy-variable-rgx = "^(_+|(_+[a-zA-Z0-9_]*[a-zA-Z0-9]+?))$"

quote-style = "single"
skip-magic-trailing-comma = false
line-ending = "auto"
docstring-code-format = true
docstring-code-line-length = "dynamic"

mkdocs for Documentation
Proyectify automates documentation generation using mkdocs and the mkdocstrings plugin to incorporate the docstrings of each module into the documentation. The mkdocs.yml configuration is provided to get you started:
site_name: Project Documentation
- Home:
- Notebooks:

- mkdocstrings

theme: readthedocs

This script traverses the modules and utils folders and creates .md files in the docs directory with the documentation content of each module.
import os

def generate_docs_for_folder(folder_name):
docs_folder = 'docs'
folder_path = os.path.join(docs_folder, folder_name)
os.makedirs(folder_path, exist_ok=True)

folder_files = [f for f in os.listdir(folder_name) if f.endswith('.py') and not f.startswith('__')]

content_lines = [f"# {folder_name.capitalize()} Documentation\n"]
for file in folder_files:
module_name = file.replace('.py', '')
content_lines.append(f"::: {folder_name}.{module_name}\n")

md_file_path = os.path.join(docs_folder, f"{folder_name}.md")
with open(md_file_path, 'w') as md_file:

if __name__ == "__main__":
folders_to_process = ['modules', 'utils']
for folder in folders_to_process:
if os.path.exists(folder):

This script is automatically executed when running the make generate-docs command. (Feel free to modify it according to your needs).
🔮 Roadmap

Create a basic and standar project structure.
Add more configuration options. (e.g. pre-commit hooks, etc.)
Add more IDEs to the setup options.
Add devcontainer configuration for VScode.
Add more documentation generation options. (e.g. Sphinx, etc.)
Add CI/CD options. (e.g. GitHub Actions, etc.)

🐛 Known bugs

(SOLVED) The package does not work on Windows when the Python version is specified.
(SOLVED) The dependencies are not installed when the package is installed with pip.
(SOLVED) The color output is not displayed correctly in the terminal.

If you find any bugs, don't hesitate and open an issue :)

📝 Contributing
If you want to contribute check the
☕ Buy me a coffee
We have developed npkill in our free time, because we are passionate about the programming sector.
Tomorrow we would like to dedicate ourselves to this, but first, we have a long way to go.
We will continue to do things anyway, but donations are one of the many ways to support what we do.

📜 License
This project is licensed under the MIT License. For more details, please refer to the LICENSE file.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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