projectkey 0.7.1

Creator: railscoder56

Last updated:

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projectkey 0.7.1

ProjectKey is a framework to let you write a self-documenting suite of commands in
python to automate common project tasks.
You can then run these commands from any folder inside your project by using the ‘k’
For example:
$ k help
Usage: k command [args]

Yourproject development environment commands.

runserver - Run django debug web server on port 8000
shell - Run django shell.
upgrade - pip upgrade on all packages and freeze to requirements afterwards.
smtp - Run development smtp server on port 25025.
striptrailingwhitespace - strip the trailing whitespace from all files in your mercurial repo.
inspectfile - Inspect file(s) for pylint violations.

Run 'k help [command]' to get more help on a particular command.

Three Step Quickstart
Step 1: Install like so:
$ sudo pip install projectkey
Step 2: Create a file in the root folder of your project like this:
"""Yourproject development environment commands."""
from projectkey import cd, run, run_return, runnable, ignore_ctrlc

def runserver():
"""Run django debug web server on port 8080."""
print "Running webserver..."
# Run simple shell commands, assuming you are in the same directory as your file.
run("./venv/bin/python runserver_plus 8080 --traceback --settings=yourproject.special_settings")

@ignore_ctrlc # Projectkey will ignore the user pressing ctrl-C when running this command
def shell():
"""Run django shell."""
print "Running shell..."
# ...since you want the python shell to decide what to do with Ctrl-C.
run("./venv/bin/python shell --settings=yourproject.special_settings")

def upgrade():
"""pip upgrade on all packages and freeze to requirements afterwards."""
# Copy and paste in whole bash scripts if you like...
./venv/bin/pip freeze --local | grep -v '^\-e' | cut -d = -f 1 | xargs ./venv/bin/pip install -U
./venv/bin/pip freeze > ./requirements.txt

def smtp():
"""Run development smtp server on port 25025."""
print "Running SMTP server..."
run("python -m smtpd -n -c DebuggingServer localhost:25025")

def striptrailingwhitespace():
"""strip the trailing whitespace from all files in your mercurial repo."""
# Get the output of shell commands...
repofiles = run_return("hg locate *.py").split('\n')

# ...and write simple, short, python scripts to do stuff with it.
for filename in repofiles:
with open(filename, 'r') as fh:
new = [line.rstrip() for line in fh]
with open(filename, 'w') as fh:
[fh.write('%s\n' % line) for line in new]

def inspectfile(*filenames):
"""Inspect file(s) for pylint violations."""
# You can also change to the directory that the k command was run from, if you need that.
run("{0}/venv/bin/pylint --rcfile={0}/pylintrc -r n {1}".format(KEYDIR, ' '.join(filenames)))

# Add this and you can run the file directly (e.g. python smtp) as well as by running "k smtp".
Step 3: Run the ‘k’ command in any folder in your project:
$ k inspectfile
[ Runs pylint on those files ]
Step 4: Add more commands.


Autodocuments using your docstrings.
Use variables KEYDIR or CWD in any command to refer to’s directory or the directory you ran k in.
Passes any arguments on to the method via the command line (optional arguments and variable numbers of arguments can be used too).
Autocomplete works out of the box.
Comes with shortcut command ‘run’ to run lists of shell commands directly, so you can copy and paste directly from existing shell scripts.
Selectively ignore Ctrl-C (by default it tries to stop and exit).


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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