proJSON 1.2.7

Creator: railscoder56

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proJSON 1.2.7

A python library to compress a dict into a bytearray.

pip install proJSON

The Crafter
# Format

"name" : {
"type": type, # Types specified below with arguments

"intExample" : {
"type": "int", # Set int type
"byte": 1 # Set max int size to 1 byte (int8)

"stringExample" : {
"type": "string", # Set string type
"maxlen": 1 # Set max size of string ( the max size of the string is calculated by (2^(8*n)-1). if n is 1 then the max size is 255) (optional defaults to 2)

"bytesExample" : {
"type": "bytes", # Set bytes type
"maxlen": 1 # Set max size of string ( the max size of the string is calculated by (2^(8*n)-1). if n is 1 then the max size is 255) (optional defaults to 2)

"dirExample" : {
"type": "dir", # Set dir type
"subdirs": {} # A dictionary of int, string and byte types in the format above.

"boolExample" : {
"type" : "bool" # Set bool type

"listExample" : {
"type" : "list", # Set list type
"subtype": "int", # Set list contents type to an "int"
"maxlen": 1 # The "maxlen" parameter for bytes or str (for "int" maxlen is still used instead of "byte")

Don't put a dir in another dir. It won't work
from proJSON import Crafter

schema = {
# See the [types section](###Types) for how to make this.
"intExample" : {
"type": "int",
"byte": 1
"stringExample" : {
"type": "string",
"maxlen": 1
"bytesExample" : {
"type": "bytes",
"maxlen": 1
"dirExample" : {
"type": "dir",
"subdirs": {
"intExample2" : {
"type": "int",
"byte": 1
"stringExample2" : {
"type": "string",
"maxlen": 1

crafter = Crafter(schema)

Encoding data
exampledata = {
"intExample" : 7,
"stringExample" : "Hello World!",
"bytesExample": b"This is bytes",
"dirExample" : {
"intExample2" : 200,
"stringExample2": "Hello Again!"

encoded = crafter.encode(exampledata)

print(encoded) # b'\x07\x0cHello World!\x00\rThis is bytes\xc8\x0cHello Again!' (43 bytes)

Decoding data
data = b'\x07\x0cHello World!\x00\rThis is bytes\xc8\x0cHello Again!'

decoded = crafter.decode(data)

print(decoded) # {'intExample': 7, 'stringExample': 'Hello World!', 'bytesExample': b'This is bytes', 'dirExample': {'intExample2': 200, 'stringExample2': 'Hello Again!'}} (154 bytes)


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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