projxon-cyber-security-system 0.3.4

Creator: railscoder56

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projxoncybersecuritysystem 0.3.4

What is it?
A fast and unbreakable encrytion system.
This library has 4 functions, makeid, encrypt, decrypt, and bitarray_to_text.
makeid will generate a long, virtually collision-proof identifier.
These tools can be very useful in login systems.
It also includes a (probably insecure) custom hash function in PCSS.hash.
You can install it with pip.
pip install Projxon-Cyber-Security-System
Encrypt and Decrypt
from PCSS import encrypt, decrypt, makeid, bitarray_to_text
from PCSS.hash import hash

Hash of Hi!: {hash("Hi!", 256)}
Hash of Hello_World!: {hash("Hello_World!", length=256)}
Hash of Hello_World! : {hash("Hello_World! ", length=256)}
Hash of Hello World: {hash("Hello World", length=256)}
Hash of Password#123: {hash("Password#123", length=256)}
Hash of AAAAAAAAAAAA: {hash("AAAAAAAAAAAA", length=256)}
Hash of AAAAAAAAAAAB: {hash("AAAAAAAAAAAB", length=256)}
Hash of !#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#: {hash("!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#", length=256)}

# Output:
Hash of Hi!: 293bcd0b497216b999a7e81e2b7cd7530017f44dd53472710d2b44bfea670227
Hash of Hello_World!: 23c5fc4b5f59a9ebb20c3a88de653214fba07b382c4e0acfe09b76e6b0073cf3
Hash of Hello_World! : 74d6ae99037683397fadda7da65afa72c0560d6e64319d0c86abe2301b46146d
Hash of Hello World: cc65180fbca2636fd269c3830dfc3903679f394d10a233ceae9bf9ac5c26a177
Hash of Password#123: 491d11b7e30323855c9c8fe742c947ee9c4f718f602b0275620bf9c4937dbd1a
Hash of AAAAAAAAAAAA: 4f14559045890891b74ec030af9d4530097aedd29ed850444b74bc2559730180
Hash of AAAAAAAAAAAB: 54314d9b51864195a0d4c7f2e0c3b1d623554a6c68d0a40593430b526e982b29
Hash of !#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#: b3ff1bf0a9f3411e4ce8b95cabbb352d34eb42a7640b67a366f2044daee68235
x = 'Hello Everyone!'
print('Hash works?', hash(x) == hash(x)) # True

## Encryption

text = "Hello World!"
key = "key"

# Encrypt the text
encrypted_bitarray = encrypt(text, key)

# Decrypt the bitarray
decrypted_bitarray = decrypt(encrypted_bitarray, key)

# Convert it back to a string.
decrypted_text = bitarray_to_text(decrypted_bitarray)

print(decrypted_text, text == decrypted_text)
# Hello World! True

Generate id
from PCSS import makeid

# 3fbe99d84c1b9255565c79d758bebba6e011ba2ca0795c5c50d22519adaf99050e74cb261933091fc4c52d6a7581c3681557e4adf495b1cd1314579e962791efc6d5ceb9133de75cd25a20a99d50cf4b7bf927f61dfa298d69d573da101f26a973241224-a5eb-49fa-828b-f86b89d9a4745480679b-4d20-5b8a-a72b-268877dc086a
# ids will vary.

These ids are garunteed to be unique; the chance of collision is about 1 / (2.42721841x10^229).
For reference, the number of atoms in the universe is estimated to be 10^78.
encrypt(data: Union[str, bytes, bitarray], key: Union[str, bytes, bitarray, None]=None, final_key: Union[bitarray, None]=None, rounds=None, salt=None) -> bitarray
Encrypts data using an advanced method including XOR encrytion and byte and bit reversal.
salt will defualt to the key.
decrypt(encrypted_data: Union[str, bytes, bitarray], key: Union[str, bytes, bitarray, None]=None, final_key: Union[bitarray, None]=None, rounds=None, salt=None) -> bitarray
Decrypts data that was encrypted using the PCSS.encrypt function. Parameters that do not match will generate an incorrect output.
Generates a long and secure id.
These ids are garunteed to be unique; the chance of collision is about 1 / (2.42721841x10^229).
For reference, the number of atoms in the universe is estimated to be 10^78.
bitarray_to_text(data: bitarray) -> str
Converts a bitarray to a string.
hash(data: Union[str, int, bitarray, bytes], length: int = 256, block_size: int = 2, affected_area: int = 0.5, output: str = "hex") -> Union[bitarray, str, int, bytes]
Hashes data using the hashing PCSS algorithm.
The length of the hash is supplied as the length arguemnt and it must be divisible by the block size (which defaults to 4).
An increased block size results in increased randomness.
affected_area is the number of input blocks used in the output block calculation. If it is an integer, it represents a concrete value, and if it is between 0 and 1 it is proportional to the number of blocks. This value is very particular, be careful!
Output can be "hex", "bitarray", "bytes", "base64", "base64-bytes", or "int".


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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