promesque 0.0.3

Creator: railscoder56

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promesque 0.0.3

promesque is a configurable Prometheus exporter for results of Elasticsearch queries.

pip3 install promesque

promesque path/to/some/config.yml --log-level info
Refer to exporter_es.yml as an example for such a config.
The supported fields are explained below.

Configuration File
Configuration file is in a yaml format with single configuration scope (metrics).
Each item in metrics scope define a metric and must have following attributes:

description: description of a metric (what it does)
data_path: jsonpath to data buckets in Elasticsearch response to build metrics from (default: $)
value_path: jsonpath to metric value within data bucket

labels: inner scope with name: reference for each metric:

name: name of label exposed by exporter
reference: jsonpath to label value within data bucket

url: url to Elasticsearch cluster (include index)

query: query in json format; must

either be inclosed in single quotes (e.g. '{ "query": {...} }')
or written in YAML block notation
with proper indentation, e.g.,
es_query: |
"query": {


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