prompt-enhance-service 0.1.4

Creator: railscoder56

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promptenhanceservice 0.1.4

Prompt Enhancer
Prompt Enhancer is a Python library designed to enhance prompt messages for use with Google's Vertex AI. The current version supports static prompt enhancements, with a dynamic version that includes customization through interactive questions coming in future updates.
To use the Prompt Enhancer, ensure that you have Google Vertex AI credentials properly configured before using the library.
Importing the Library
To get started,
First import the genai_framework library and make sure it resides in src folder.
Test with the below import:
from src.genai_framework import ChatLLMBuilder

Then import the enhance function from the prompt_enhance_service package:
from prompt_enhance_service.prompt_enhancer import enhance

Enhancing a Prompt
Use the enhance function to enhance your prompt message:
enhanced_prompt = enhance(message="Your prompt message here")

message: The original prompt message you want to enhance.
other_details: A dictionary of other relevant details that may influence the enhancement process.

Environment Variables
The current version only supports integration with Google Vertex AI. Make sure to set the following environment variables:
export VERTEXAI_CHAT_MODEL='your-vertex-ai-model-id'
export VERTEXAI_CREDENTIALS_PATH='/path/to/your/vertex-ai/credentials.json'
export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS='/path/to/your/google-application-credentials.json'

VERTEXAI_CHAT_MODEL: Your Google Vertex AI model ID.
VERTEXAI_CREDENTIALS_PATH: The file path to your Vertex AI credentials.
GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS: The file path to your Google Cloud application credentials.

Future Updates

Dynamic Version: The upcoming version will allow users to customize prompts through a series of interactive questions, making the enhancement process more tailored and flexible.

This project is licensed under the GAVS Proprietary License. See the LICENSE file for more details.
For more information, please contact GAVS Organization.
This README file provides clear instructions on how to use your library and what to expect in future versions.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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