promptground 1.1.0

Creator: railscoder56

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promptground 1.1.0

PromptGround SDK
A simple Python SDK for interacting with the PromptGround API.
Install the SDK using pip:
pip install promptground

Running a Prompt
To run a prompt and get the result, use the run method:
from promptground.PromptGround import PromptGround

# Initialize the PromptGround object
pg = PromptGround(api_key="YOUR API KEY")

# Run a prompt
result =
alias='Typo-grammar fixer',
'text': 'this text explaining promptground but is not grammatically correct'
print(result.content) # Outputs the corrected text
print(result.usage) # Outputs the usage details

Understanding the Response Object
The run method returns a PromptRunResult object with the following attributes:

content (str): The actual output of the prompt.
usage (dict): The usage details which include:

completion_tokens (int): The number of tokens in the output.
prompt_tokens (int): The number of tokens in the input.
total_tokens (int): The total number of tokens (input + output).

# Example response handling
print("Content:", result.content) # The corrected text
print("Usage:", result.usage) # The usage details

Fetching Messages
If you want to fetch only the messages and run the prompt on your side, you can use the messages method:
# Fetch messages
messages = pg.messages(
alias='Typo-grammar fixer',
'text': 'this text explaining promptground but is not grammatically correct'
print(messages) # Outputs a list of messages

messages(alias, data={}, version=None)
Fetch messages from the PromptGround API.

alias (str): The prompt alias as seen on your dashboard.
data (dict, optional): A flat object with key=value pairs used to substitute variables in the messages.
version (str, optional): The specific prompt version ID to call. If not provided, the most recent prompt version will be used.


list: A list of messages. Each message is a dictionary with content and role. For example, [{content: "message content", role: "system"}]. The role can be system, user, or assistant.

run(alias, data={}, metadata={}, labels=[], model=None, version=None)
Run a prompt and return the result.

alias (str): The prompt alias as seen on your dashboard.
data (dict, optional): A flat object with key=value pairs used to substitute variables in the messages.
metadata (dict, optional): Additional data to help you filter in the "Runs" dashboard. It should be a flat key-value object.
labels (list, optional): An array for distinguishing different prompts and filtering them afterward in the "Runs" dashboard.
model (str, optional): The model to use for the prompt. If not provided, the most recent model will be used.
version (str, optional): The specific prompt version ID to call. If not provided, the most recent prompt version will be used.


PromptRunResult: The result of running the prompt.

Handling Results
The result of the run method is a PromptRunResult object with the following attributes:

content (str): The actual output.
usage (dict): The token usage details, which include:

completion_tokens (int): The number of tokens in the output.
prompt_tokens (int): The number of tokens in the input.
total_tokens (int): The total number of tokens (input + output).

Exception Handling
Both messages and run methods will raise an Exception if there is an error with the API request. Be sure to handle these exceptions appropriately in your application.
If something is missing or you have any suggestions, please create an issue or open a pull request. For any questions or support, feel free to contact us.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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