protecc 0.0.2

Creator: railscoder56

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protecc 0.0.2

Access modifiers for python.
PIP install
pip install protecc

From the source
git clone
cd protecc
python install

Old-Style Classes
Inherit from/extend the protecc class.
from protecc import protecc

class regulatedClass(protecc):
def __init__(self):
self.publicVariable = 'public value'
self._privateVariable = 'private value'

def publicMethod(self):
return True

def __privateMethod(self):
return True

def getPrivateVariable(self):
return self._privateVariable

def privateMethodProxy(self):
return self.__privateMethod()

New-Style Classes (type)
If you prefer metaclass (for better readability/what not), use metaProtecc.
class metaRegulatedClass(metaclass=metaProtecc):
def __init__(self):
self.publicVariable = 'public value'
self._privateVariable = 'private value'

def publicMethod(self):
return True

def __privateMethod(self):
return True

def getPrivateVariable(self):
return self._privateVariable

def privateMethodProxy(self):
return self.__privateMethod()

When accessing "private" methods (i.e, methods that begin with either a single or two underscores), this exception is raised
>>> r = regulatedClass()
>>> r.__privateMethod()
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
File "/Users/avinashshenoy/STUFF/projects/protecc/", line 23, in __protecced_getattribute__
raise AccessException('Cannot access ' + varType + ' member ' + name) from None
protecc.AccessException: Cannot access private member __privateMethod

Private methods can still be accessed from within other class methods, as is expected:
>>> r = regulatedClass()
>>> r.privateMethodProxy()


This is, by no means, fool-proof access protection.
"Private members" are those members whose names are mangled by Python, as per PEP 8 conventions, i.e, starting with 2 underscores and having not more than one trailing underscore.
Additionally, "protected members" are those members whose names are preceded by a single underscores. These members cannot be accessed from outside the class as well, as is expected.

Primary Contributors

Avinash Shenoy

This project is released under the MIT License.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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