proxy-protocol 0.11.3

Creator: railscoder56

Last updated:

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proxyprotocol 0.11.3

PROXY protocol library with asyncio server implementation.

API Reference
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Table of Contents

Install and Usage
Server Usage

Echo Server
Proxy Server

Development and Testing

Type Hinting

Install and Usage
$ pip install proxy-protocol

Integration with an asyncio.start_server based server is intended to be
extremely simple. Here is an example, which will detect PROXY protocol v1 or
from proxyprotocol import ProxyProtocol
from proxyprotocol.detect import ProxyProtocolDetect
from proxyprotocol.reader import ProxyProtocolReader
from proxyprotocol.sock import SocketInfo

async def run(host: str, port: int) -> None:
pp_detect = ProxyProtocolDetect()
callback = ProxyProtocolReader(pp_detect).get_callback(on_connection)
server = await asyncio.start_server(callback, host, port)
async with server:
await server.serve_forever()

async def on_connection(reader: StreamReader, writer: StreamWriter,
info: SocketInfo) -> None:
print(, info.peername)
# ... continue using connection

To simplify PROXY protocol use based on configuration, the version can also be
read from a string.
from proxyprotocol.version import ProxyProtocolVersion

pp_noop = ProxyProtocolVersion.get(None)
pp_detect = ProxyProtocolVersion.get('detect')
pp_v1 = ProxyProtocolVersion.get('v1')
pp_v2 = ProxyProtocolVersion.get('v2')

The pp_noop object in this example is a special case implementation that does
not read a PROXY protocol header from the stream at all. It may be used to
disable PROXY protocol use without complicating your server code.
You can also check out the proxyprotocol-echo reference implementation.
If you configure your proxy to send PROXY protocol to localhost:10007, you
can see it in action:
$ proxyprotocol-echo --help
$ proxyprotocol-echo detect
$ proxyprotocol-echo noop

Server Usage
Two basic server implementations are included for reference. Using the two
together can demonstrate the process end-to-end: use proxyprotocol-server
to proxy connections with a PROXY protocol header to proxyprotocol-echo,
which then displays the original connection information.
The hostname:port arguments used by both types of servers are parsed by the
Address class, which allows for customization of SSL/TLS and PROXY
protocol versions.
Echo Server
The proxyprotocol-echo server expects inbound connections to provide a PROXY
protocol header indicating the original source of the connection. After the
header, all received data will be echoed back to the client.
proxyprotocol-echo --help
proxyprotocol-echo # run the server

Proxy Server
The proxyprotocol-server server proxies inbound connections to another
host/port endoint, prefixing the outbound connection with a PROXY protocol
header to indicate the original connection information.
proxyprotocol-server --help
proxyprotocol-server --service localhost:10000 localhost:10007

Development and Testing
You will need to do some additional setup to develop and test plugins. Install
Hatch to use the CLI examples below.
Run all tests and linters:
$ hatch run check

Because this project supports several versions of Python, you can use the
following to run the checks on all versions:
$ hatch run all:check

Type Hinting
This project makes heavy use of Python's type hinting system, with the
intention of a clean run of mypy in strict mode:
mypy proxyprotocol test

No code contribution will be accepted unless it makes every effort to use type
hinting to the extent possible and common in the rest of the codebase.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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