prysm 0.21.1

Creator: railscoder56

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prysm 0.21.1

# Prysm
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Prysm is a python 3.6+ library for numerical optics. Its features are a superset of those in both POPPY and PROPER, not limited to physical optics, thin lens, thin film, and detector modeling. There is also a submodule that can replace the software that comes with an interferometer for data analysis.
Prysm is believed to be by significant margin the fastest package in the world at what it does. On CPU, end-to-end calculation is more than 100x as fast as the above for like-for-like calculations. On GPU, prysm is more than 1,000x faster than its competition. The [lowfssim]( model can run at over 2kHz in real-time and is all prysm under the hood.
Prysm can be used for everything from forward modeling of optical systems from camera lenses to coronographs to reverse modeling and phase retrieval. Due to its composable structure, it plays well with others and can be substituted in or out of other code easily. Of special note is prysm’s interchangeable backend system, which allows the user to freely exchange numpy for cupy, enabling use of a GPU for _all_ computations, or other similar exchanges, such as pytorch for algorithmic differentiation.
## Installation
prysm is on pypi:
` pip install prysm `
prysm requires only [numpy](, and [scipy](
### Optional Dependencies
Prysm uses numpy for array operations or any compatible library. To use GPUs, you may install [cupy]( and use it as the backend at runtime. Plotting uses [matplotlib]( Images are read and written with [imageio]( Some MTF utilities utilize [pandas]( and [seaborn]( Reading of Zygo datx files requires [h5py](
## Features
### Propagation
- Pupil-to-Focus
- Focus-to-Pupil
- Free space (“plane to plane” or “angular spectrum”)
### Polynomials
- Zernike
- Legendre
- Chebyshev (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th kind)
- Jacobi
- 2D-Q, Qbfs, Qcon
- Hopkins
- Hermite (Probablist’s and Physicist’s)
- Dickson
- fitting
- projection
All of these polynomials provide highly optimized GPU-compatible implementations, as well as derivatives.
### Pupil Masks
- circles, binary and anti-aliased
- ellipses
- rectangles
- N-sided regular convex polygons
- N-vaned spiders
### Segmented systems
- parametrized pupil mask generation
- per-segment errors based on any polynomial basis expansion
### Image Simulation
- Convolution
- Smear
- Jitter
- in-the-box targets
- - Siemens’ Star
- - Slanted Edge
- - BMW Target (crossed edges)
- - Pinhole
- - Slit
- - Tilted Square
### Metrics
- Strehl
- Encircled Energy
- RMS, PV, Sa, Std, Var
- Centroid
- FWHM, 1/e, 1/e^2
- PSD (and parametric fit, synthesis from parameters)
- slope / gradient
- Total integrated scatter
- Bandlimited RMS
### Detectors
- fully integrated noise model (shot, read, prnu, etc)
- arbitrary pixel apertures (square, oblong, purely numerical)
- optical low pass filters
- Bayer compositing, demosaicing
### Thin Films
- r, t parameters, even over spatially varying extent with high performance
- Brewster’s angle
- Critical Angle
- Snell’s law
### Refractive Index
- Cauchy’s equation
- Sellmeier’s equation
### Thin Lenses
- Defocus to delta z at the image and reverse
- object/image distance relation
- image/object distances and magnification
- image/object distances and NA/F#
- magnification and working F/#
- two lens BFL, EFL (thick lenses)
### Tilted Planes and other surfaces

forward or reverse projection of surfaces

### Deformable Mirrors

surface synthesis in or out of beam normal based on arbitrary influence function with arbitrary sampling
stuck, dead, and tied actuators
DM surface misalignment / registration errors

### Interferometry

Low/High/Bandpass/Bandreject filtering
spike clipping
polynomial fitting and projection
statistical evaluation (PV, RMS, PVr, Sa, bandlimited RMS…)
total integrated scatter
synthetic fringe maps with extra tilt fringes
synthesize map from PSD spec

## Tutorials, How-Tos
See the [documentation]( on [each](
## Contributing
If you find an issue with prysm, please open an [issue]( or [pull request]( Prysm has some usage of f-strings, so any code contributed is only expected to work on python 3.6+, and is licensed under the [MIT license](
Issue tracking, roadmaps, and project planning are done on Zenhub. Contact Brandon for an invite if you would like to participate; all are welcome.
## Heritage

prysm was used to perform phase retrieval used to focus Nav and Hazcam, enhanced engineering cameras used to operate the Mars2020 Perserverence rover.
prysm is used to build the [official model of LOWFS](, the Low Order Wavefront Sensing and Control system for the Roman coronoagraph instrument. In this application, it has been used to validate dynamics of a hardware testbed to 35 picometers, or 0.08% of the injected dynamics. The model runs at over 2kHz, faster than the real-time control system, at the same fidelity used to achieve 35 pm model agreement in hardware experiments.
prysm is used by several FFRDCs in the US, as well as their equivalent organizations abroad
prysm is used by multiple ultra precision optics manufactures as part of their metrology data processing workflow
prysm is used by multiple interferometer vendors to cross validate their own software offerings
prysm is used at multiple universities to model optics both in a generic capacity and laboratory systems
your name here(?)


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