PS3838 0.2.0

Creator: railscoderz

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PS3838 0.2.0

BET PS3838
BET PS3838 This project aims to bet automatically on different odds available on PS3838. It is part of a bigger secret project, but can be used by anyone who wants to place some bets, or retrieve some football odds (indeed, only football for the moment).
Package functionalities
There is one class in the package called "PS3838AutomaticBet", and two methods "retrieving" and "betting" :

Class initialization :
This class is used to retrieve the odds for a list of matches or to place bets on the PS3838 API. It also uses a CustomLogger to log the information.
- credentials (Dict[str, str]): The credentials to connect to the PS3838 API.
Example: {"username": "my_username", "password": "my_password"}
- list_matches (List[Dict[str, Any]]): A list of matches to retrieve the odds for or to place the bets for.
Example: [{"league" : 2036, "team1" : "Montpellier", "team2" : "Paris Saint-Germain", "date" : datetime(2024, 8, 17, 17, 0, 0), "result" : 2, "amount" : 5, "odd_min" : 1.05}, ...]. Note that the parameters "result", "amount" and "odd_min" are optional and only used when placing bets.
- logger_active (bool): A boolean to activate the logger. Default is True.
- to_bet (bool): A boolean to know if we want to retrieve the odds or place the bets. Default is False.

retrieving :
This function retrieves the odds on PS3838 for a given list of matches. The retrieving function is useful when we don't want to bet but simply retrieve the odds in order to test a model for example.
- List[List[Dict[str, Any]]]: A list of matches with their corresponding odds.
Example: [({'id': 1595460299, 'starts': '2024-08-23T18:45:00Z', 'home': 'Paris Saint-Germain', 'away': 'Montpellier HSC', 'rotNum': '3121', 'liveStatus': 2, 'status': 'O', 'parlayRestriction': 2, 'altTeaser': False, 'resultingUnit': 'Regular', 'betAcceptanceType': 0, 'version': 545200449, 'league': 2036, 'result': None, 'amount': None, 'odd_min': None, 'line_id': 2650184231}, {'team1_odds': 1.309, 'draw_odds': 6.14, 'team2_odds': 8.47}), ...]

betting :
This function places bets on PS3838 for a given list of matches. It first retrieves the odds for each match and then places the bets under some conditions (bet not already placed, odds above a certain threshold, etc.).
- List[List[Dict[str, Any]]] | None: A list of matches with their corresponding odds if the bets were placed, None otherwise.
Example: [({'id': 1595460299, 'starts': '2024-08-23T18:45:00Z', 'home': 'Paris Saint-Germain', 'away': 'Montpellier HSC', 'rotNum': '3121', 'liveStatus': 2, 'status': 'O', 'parlayRestriction': 2, 'altTeaser': False, 'resultingUnit': 'Regular', 'betAcceptanceType': 0, 'version': 545200449, 'league': 2036, 'result': 1, 'amount': 5, 'odd_min': 1.05, 'line_id': 2650184231}, {'team1_odds': 1.309, 'draw_odds': 6.14, 'team2_odds': 8.47}), ...]

How to use the package
Here is an example of code to use the package
import PS3838

credentials = {
"username" : 'your_username',
"password" : 'your_password',
"telegram_token" : 'telegram_token',
"telegram_chat_id" : 'telegram_chat_id',

league = 61 # the id of sport api!
name_team1 = 'montpellier'
name_team2 = 'paris st germain'
result = 2
amount = 5
odd_min = 1.05

# example_matches_retrieving = [{"league" : league, "team1" : name_team1, "team2" : name_team2}]
example_matches_betting = [{"league" : league, "team1" : name_team1, "team2" : name_team2, "result" : result, "amount" : amount, "odd_min" : odd_min}]

if __name__ == "__main__":
# automatic_bet_retrieving = PS3838.PS3838AutomaticBet(credentials, example_matches_retrieving, logger_active=False, to_bet=False)
automatic_bet = PS3838.PS3838AutomaticBet(credentials, example_matches_retrieving, logger_active=False, to_bet=True)
match_odds = automatic_bet()

You can activate or desactivate the logger with the parameter "logger_active" for both retrieving and betting functions.

If the logger is active and a telegram token and chat id are provided, then you will receive the logs on your telegram chatbot and on a PS3838.log file. (On telegram there are only the logs up to "INFO", not "DEBUG".)
If the logger is active and the telegram parameters are missing, then you will receive the logs only on a PS3838.log file.
If the logger is not active then you will not receive anything.

Here is an example of what the logger can display on Telegram :

This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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