ps.bob 0.1.2

Creator: railscoderz

Last updated:

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ps.bob 0.1.2

ps.bob provides several mr.bob template to generate packages for Propertyshelf projects.
To create a package like ps.diazo.mytheme:
$ mrbob ps.bob:diazo_theme

In contrast to other available mr.bob templates (e.g. bobtemplates.plone), the packages created with ps.bob create the package folder as well.

Available Templates
The templates provided by ps.bob are categorized as follows:

Plone and Diazo Packages
Zope Packages (planned)
Pyramid Packages (planned)
MLS Packages (planned)

Plone and Diazo Packages

A installable diazo core or customer theme.
Core themes are mainly used as a base for most customer themes.
Customer themes can extend a core theme.

On creating a package you can choose from the following options. The default value is in [square brackets].


Type of the Theme (core or customer) [customer]
A customer theme can extend a core theme.
Core themes will have the ps.diazo namespace prefix, customer themes the customer.diazo namespace prefix.

Base theme to extend
Add the package name of the core theme you want to extend.
Leave empty if you don’t want to extend.
This options is only available for customer themes.

Repository type of the base theme to extend [git]
Should be something like ‘git’, ‘hg’, ‘svn’.
Used for the mr.developer source section within the buildout.
This option is only available if a base theme was provided.

Repository URL of the base theme to extend []
The URL to the repo used for the mr.developer source section within the buildout.
This option is only available if a base theme was provided.

Name of the Theme [Example Theme]
Should be something like ‘Example Theme’.

Package Name of the Theme [example]
Should be something like ‘example’.

Package created with ps.bob use the current best-practices when creating an addon.

Plone and Diazo Packages

The packages are contained in a buildout that allow you to build Plone with the new package installed for testing-purposes.

The packages register a directory for locales.

The packages contain a Generic Setup Profile that installs a browserlayer.

The packages contain a where you can add code that is executed on installing the package.

The packages register the folder template_overrides as a directory where you can drop template-overrides using z3c.jbot.

The packages come with a test setup and some tests for installing the package.
They also contain a robot-test for browser testing.
The buildouts also contains a config to allow testing the package on travis.

Addons created with ps.bob are tested to work in Plone 4.3.x.
They should also work with other versions but that was not tested.


Use in a buildout
parts += mrbob

recipe = zc.recipe.egg
eggs =
If you want to use the latest development version from GitHub, add ps.bob to your mr.developer source section:
extensions += mr.developer

ps.bob = git git://
This creates a mrbob-executeable in your bin-directory.
Call it from the src-directory of your project like this.:
$ ../bin/mrbob ps.bob:diazo_theme

Installation in a virtualenv
You can also install ps.bob in a virtualenv.:
$ pip install ps.bob
You can also install the latest version of ps.bob directly from GitHub:
$ pip install -e git://
Now you can use it like this:
$ mrbob ps.bob:diazo_theme


Thomas Massmann,


0.1.2 (2016-04-19)

Fixed wrong profile id in migration script.
Removed unnecessary namespace_packages from
Update package template to use newer buildout.
Do not release generated packages to pypi by default.
Update code-analysis for diazo packages.

0.1.1 (2015-03-05)

Fixed package setup.

0.1 (2015-03-05)

Initial release.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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