psd-tools3 1.9.2

Creator: railscoder56

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psdtools3 1.9.2

psd-tools3 is a package for reading Adobe Photoshop PSD files
as described in specification to Python data structures.
This is a fork of psd-tools that adds a couple of enhancements to the
original version.

pip install psd-tools3
Pillow should be installed if you want work with PSD image and layer data:
export images to PNG, process them. PIL library should also work.
pip install Pillow

In order to extract images from 32bit PSD files PIL/Pillow must be built
with LITTLECMS or LITTLECMS2 support.

psd-tools3 also has a rudimentary support for Pymaging.
Pymaging installation instructions are available in pymaging docs.

Command line
The current tool supports PNG/JPEG export:
psd-tools convert <psd_filename> <out_filename> [options]
psd-tools export_layer <psd_filename> <layer_index> <out_filename> [options]
psd-tools debug <filename> [options]
psd-tools -h | --help
psd-tools --version

API Usage
Load an image:
>>> from psd_tools import PSDImage
>>> psd = PSDImage.load('my_image.psd')
Print the layer structure:
>>> psd.print_tree()
Read image header:
>>> psd.header
PsdHeader(number_of_channels=3, height=200, width=100, depth=8, color_mode=RGB)
Access its layers:
>>> psd.layers
[<group: 'Group 2', layer_count=1, mask=None, visible=1>,
<group: 'Group 1', layer_count=1, mask=None, visible=1>,
<pixel: 'Background', size=100x200, x=0, y=0, mask=None, visible=1>]

>>> list(psd.descendants())
[<group: 'Group 2', layer_count=1, mask=None, visible=1>,
<shape: 'Shape 2', size=43x62, x=40, y=72, mask=None, visible=1)>,
<group: 'Group 1', layer_count=1, mask=None, visible=1>,
Work with a layer group:
>>> group2 = psd.layers[0]
Group 2

>>> group2.visible

>>> group2.opacity

>>> group2.blend_mode == 'normal'

>>> group2.layers
[<shape: 'Shape 2', size=43x62, x=40, y=72, mask=None, visible=1)>]
Work with a layer:
>>> layer = group2.layers[0]
Shape 2

>>> layer.kind

>>> layer.bbox
BBox(x1=40, y1=72, x2=83, y2=134)

>>> layer.bbox.width, layer.bbox.height
(43, 62)

>>> layer.visible, layer.opacity, layer.blend_mode
(True, 255, 'normal')

>>> layer.text
'Text inside a text box'

>>> layer.as_PIL()
<PIL.Image.Image image mode=RGBA size=43x62 at ...>

>>> mask = layer.mask
>>> mask.bbox
BBox(x1=40, y1=72, x2=83, y2=134)

>>> mask.as_PIL()
<PIL.Image.Image image mode=L size=43x62 at ...>

>>> layer.clip_layers
[<shape: 'Clipped', size=43x62, x=40, y=72, mask=None, visible=1)>, ...]

>>> layer.effects
Export a single layer:
>>> layer_image = layer.as_PIL()
Export the merged image:
>>> merged_image = psd.as_PIL()
The same using Pymaging:
>>> merged_image = psd.as_pymaging()
>>> merged_image.save_to_path('my_image.png')
>>> layer_image = layer.as_pymaging()
>>> layer_image.save_to_path('layer.png')
Export a thumbnail in PIL Image:
>>> thumbnail_image = psd.thumbnail()
Export layer group (experimental):
>>> group_image = group2.as_PIL()

Design overview
The process of handling a PSD file is split into 3 stages:

“Reading”: the file is read and parsed to low-level data
structures that closely match the specification. No user-accessible
images are constructed; image resources blocks and additional layer
information are extracted but not parsed (they remain just keys
with a binary data). The goal is to extract all information
from a PSD file.
“Decoding”: image resource blocks and additional layer
information blocks are parsed to a more detailed data structures
(that are still based on a specification). There are a lot of PSD
data types and the library currently doesn’t handle them all, but
it should be easy to add the parsing code for the missing PSD data
structures if needed.

After (1) and (2) we have an in-memory data structure that closely
resembles PSD file; it should be fairly complete but very low-level
and not easy to use. So there is a third stage:

“User-facing API”: PSD image is converted to an user-friendly object
that supports layer groups, exporting data as PIL.Image or
pymaging.Image, etc.

Stage separation also means user-facing API may be opinionated:
if somebody doesn’t like it then it should possible to build an
another API based on lower-level decoded PSD file.
psd-tools3 tries not to throw away information from the original
PSD file; even if the library can’t parse some info, this info
will be likely available somewhere as raw bytes (open a bug if this is
not the case). This should make it possible to modify and write PSD
files (currently not implemented; contributions are welcome).


reading of RGB, RGBA, CMYK, CMYKA and Grayscale images;
8bit, 16bit and 32bit channels;
all PSD compression methods are supported (not only the most
common RAW and RLE);
image ICC profile is taken into account;
many image resource types and tagged block types are decoded;
layer effects information is decoded;
Descriptor structures are decoded;
there is an optional Cython extension to make the parsing fast;
very basic & experimental layer merging;
support both PSD and PSB file formats;
EngineData structure is decoded;
EXIF data is taken into account.

Not implemented:

reading of Duotone, LAB, etc. images;
some image resource types and tagged blocks are not decoded
(they are attached to the result as raw bytes);
some of the raw Descriptor values are not decoded;
this library can’t reliably blend layers together: it is possible to export
a single layer and to export a final image, but rendering of
e.g. layer group may produce incorrect results;
the writing of PSD images is not implemented;
Pymaging support is limited: it only supports 8bit RGB/RGBA
images, ICC profiles are not applied, layer merging doesn’t work, etc.

If you need some of unimplemented features then please file an issue
or implement it yourself (pull requests are welcome in this case).

Development happens at github: source code,
bug tracker.
Feel free to submit ideas, bugs or pull requests.
In case of bugs it would be helpful to provide a small PSD file
demonstrating the issue; this file may be added to a test suite.
In order to run tests, make sure PIL/Pillow is built with LittleCMS
or LittleCMS2 support, install tox and type:
Install Sphinx to generate documents:
pip install sphinx sphinx_rtd_theme
Once installed, use Makefile:
make -C docs html
from the source checkout.
The license is MIT.

Great thanks to the original psd-tools author Mikhail Korobov.
A full list of contributors can be found here:

Version 1.9.1, 2021-09-08

add pip install timeout to prevent Travis CI jobs from hanging
bump pillow from 8.2.0 to 8.3.2 (dependabot security vulnerability)

1.9.0 (2021-06-16)

upgrade Py dependency
merge changes from kyamagu/psd-tools
add Scrutinizer & Style CI support
optimize dependencies

1.8.8 (2019-02-20)

revert package name to psd_tools;
prepare merging to the main repo.

1.8.7 (2019-02-15)

minor bugfix.

1.8.6 (2019-02-14)

change _psd pointer in PSDImage;
add version property;
support fill effects in composer.

1.8.5 (2019-02-05)

change tagged block/image resource singleton accessor in user API;
add documentation on iterator order;
fix export setting 1 big key config;
fix computer info big key config.

1.8.3 (2019-02-01)

add channel size checking in topil;
add mlst metadata decoding;
fix key collision issue in descriptor;
performance improvement for packbit encoding/decoding;
drop cython dependency in travis config;
implement thumbnail, is_group, and parent methods in PSDImage.

1.8.0 (2019-01-24)

major API changes;
package name changed to psd_tools2;
completely rewritten decoding subpackage psd_tools2.psd;
improved composer functionality;
file write support;
drop cython compression module and makes the package pure-python;
drop pymaging support.

1.7.30 (2019-01-15)

composer alpha blending fix;
documentation fix.

1.7.28 (2019-01-09)

support cinf tagged block.

1.7.27 (2018-12-06)

add missing extra image resource block signatures.

1.7.26 (2018-12-03)

move psd_tools tests under tests/psd_tools.

1.7.25 (2018-11-27)

fix alpha channel visibility of composed image.

1.7.24 (2018-11-21)

fix unit rectangle drawing size.

1.7.23 (2018-11-20)

fix ignored visibility in bbox calculation.

1.7.22 (2018-10-12)

drop py34 support;
fix tobytes deprecation warning.

1.7.21 (2018-10-10)

fix gradient descriptor bug.

1.7.20 (2018-10-09)

fix coloroverlay bug;
fix gradient angle bug;
fix curves decoder bug.

1.7.19 (2018-10-02)

fix descriptor decoder.

1.7.18 (2018-09-26)

add shape rendering in compose();
add grayscale support.

1.7.17 (2018-09-21)

fix has_pixel() condition.

1.7.16 (2018-08-29)

fix fill opacity in compose();
workaround for broken PrintFlags.

1.7.15 (2018-08-28)

fix color overlay issue in compose().

1.7.14 (2018-08-24)

fix verbose arg for python 3.7 compatibility.

1.7.13 (2018-08-10)

fix has_pixel() for partial channels;
support color overlay in compose().

1.7.12 (2018-06-25)

fix mask rendering in compose (Thanks @andrey-hider and @nkato).

1.7.11 (2018-06-11)

unicode bugfixes.

1.7.10 (2018-06-06)

fix descriptor decoding errors;
minor bugfixes.

1.7.9 (2018-06-05)

fix UnicodeError in exif;
workaround for irregular descriptor name;
add undocumented extn tagged block decoding;
move duplicated icc module to subpackage;
support PIL rendering with extra alpha channels.

1.7.8 (2018-05-29)

update documentation;
fix PEP8 compliance;
rename merge_layers to compose.

1.7.7 (2018-05-02)

fix white background issue in as_PIL().

1.7.6 (2018-04-27)

add quality testing;
fix disabled mask.

1.7.5 (2018-04-25)

fix has_mask() condition;
add mask composition in merge_layers();
fix mask display.

1.7.4 (2018-03-06)

fix infinity loop in print_tree().

1.7.3 (2018-02-27)

add vector origination API;
fix shape and vector mask identification;
change enum name conversion;
update docs.

1.7.2 (2018-02-14)

add adjustments API;
add mask API;
bugfix for tagged_blocks decoders.

1.7.1 (2018-02-08)

add mask user API;
add layer coordinate user API;
add vector mask and vector stroke API;
cleanup user API;
add automatic descriptor conversion.

1.7.0 (2018-01-25)

cleanup user API organization;
remove json encoder api;
make cli a package main.

1.6.7 (2018-01-17)

workaround for anaconda 2.7 pillow;
bbox existence checkf.

1.6.6 (2018-01-10)

experimental clipping support in merge_layer();
revert as_PIL() in AdjustmentLayer.

1.6.5 (2017-12-22)

Small fix for erroneous unicode path name

1.6.4 (2017-12-20)

Add all_layers() method;
Add _image_resource_blocks property;
Add thumbnail() method.

1.6.3 (2017-09-27)

documentation updates;
github repository renamed to psd-tools2;
AdjustmentLayer fix.

1.6.2 (2017-09-13)

layer class structure reorganization;
add Effects API;
add TypeLayer API methods.

1.6 (2017-09-08)

PSDImage user API update;
user API adds distinct layer types;
Sphinx documentation.

1.5 (2017-07-13)

implemented many decodings of image resources and tagged blocks;
implemented EngineData text information;
user API for getting mask and patterns;
user API to calculate bbox for shape layers;

1.4 (2017-01-02)

Fixed reading of layer mask data (thanks Evgeny Kopylov);
Python 2.6 support is dropped;
Python 3.6 support is added (thanks Leendert Brouwer);
extension is rebuilt with Cython 0.25.2.

1.3 (2016-01-25)

fixed references decoding (thanks Josh Drake);
fixed PIL support for CMYK files (thanks Michael Wu);
optional C extension is rebuilt with Cython 0.23.4;
Python 3.2 support is dropped; the package still works in Python 3.2,
but the compatibility is no longer checked by tests, and so it can break
in future.
declare Python 3.5 as supported.

1.2 (2015-01-27)

implemented extraction of embedded files (embedded smart objects) -
thanks Volker Braun;
optional C extension is rebuilt with Cython 0.21.2.
hg mirror on bitbucket is dropped, sorry!

1.1 (2014-11-17)

improved METADATA_SETTING decoding (thanks Evgeny Kopylov);
layer comps decoding (thanks Evgeny Kopylov);
improved smart objects decoding (thanks Joey Gentry);
user API for getting layer transforms and placed layer size
(thanks Joey Gentry);
IPython import is deferred to speedup command-line utility;
_RootGroup.__repr__ is fixed;
warning message building is more robust;
optional C extension is rebuilt with Cython 0.21.1.

1.0 (2014-07-24)

Fixed reading of images with layer masks (thanks Evgeny Kopylov);
improved mask data decoding (thanks Evgeny Kopylov);
fixed syncronization in case of 8B64 signatures (thanks Evgeny Kopylov);
fixed reading of layers with zero length (thanks Evgeny Kopylov);
fixed Descriptor parsing (thanks Evgeny Kopylov);
some of the descriptor structures and tagged block constants are renamed (thanks Evgeny Kopylov);
PATH_SELECTION_STATE decoding (thanks Evgeny Kopylov);
the library is switched to setuptools; docopt is now installed automatically.

0.10 (2014-06-15)

Layer effects parsing (thanks Evgeny Kopylov);
trailing null bytes are stripped from descriptor strings
(thanks Evgeny Kopylov);
“Reference” and “List” descriptor parsing is fixed
(thanks Evgeny Kopylov);
scalar descriptor values (doubles, floats, booleans) are now returned
as scalars, not as lists of size 1 (thanks Evgeny Kopylov);
fixed reading of EngineData past declared length
(thanks Carlton P. Taylor);
“background color” Image Resource parsing (thanks Evgeny Kopylov);
psd_tools.decoder.actions.Enum.enum field is renamed to
psd_tools.decoder.actions.Enum.value (thanks Evgeny Kopylov);
code simplification - constants are now bytestrings as they should be
(thanks Evgeny Kopylov);
Python 3.4 is supported.

0.9.1 (2014-03-26)

Improved merging of transparent layers (thanks Vladimir Timofeev);
fixed layer merging and bounding box calculations for empty layers
(thanks Vladimir Timofeev);
C extension is rebuilt with Cython 0.20.1.

0.9 (2013-12-03) command-line interface is changed, ‘debug’ command is added;
pretty-printing of internal structures;
pymaging support is fixed;
allow ‘MeSa’ to be a signature for image resource blocks
(thanks Alexey Buzanov);
psd_tools.debug.debug_view utility function is fixed;
Photoshop CC constants are added;
Photoshop CC vector origination data is decoded;
binary data is preserved if descriptor parsing fails;
more verbose logging for PSD reader;
channel data reader became more robust - now it doesn’t read past
declared channel length; –version command is fixed;
lsdk tagged blocks parsing: this fixes some issues with layer grouping
(thanks Ivan Maradzhyiski for the bug report and the patch);
CMYK images support is added (thanks Alexey Buzanov, Guillermo Rauch and for the help);
Grayscale images support is added (thanks;
LittleCMS is now optional (but it is still required to get proper colors).

0.8.4 (2013-06-12)

Point and Millimeter types are added to UnitFloatType (thanks Doug Ellwanger).

0.8.3 (2013-06-01)

Some issues with descriptor parsing are fixed (thanks Luke Petre).

0.8.2 (2013-04-12)

Python 2.x: reading data from file-like objects is fixed
(thanks Pavel Zinovkin).

0.8.1 (2013-03-02)

Fixed parsing of layer groups without explicit OPEN_FOLDER mark;
Cython extension is rebuilt with Cython 0.18.

0.8 (2013-02-26)

Descriptor parsing (thanks Oliver Zheng);
text (as string) is extracted from text layers (thanks Oliver Zheng);
improved support for optional building of Cython extension.

0.7.1 (2012-12-27)

Typo is fixed: LayerRecord.cilpping should be LayerRecord.clipping.
Thanks Oliver Zheng.

0.7 (2012-11-08)

Highly experimental: basic layer merging is implemented
(e.g. it is now possible to export layer group to a PIL image);
Layer.visible no longer takes group visibility in account;
Layer.visible_global is the old Layer.visible;
psd_tools.user_api.combined_bbox made public;
Layer.width and Layer.height are removed (use layer.bbox.width
and layer.bbox.height instead);
pil_support.composite_image_to_PIL is renamed to pil_support.extract_composite_image and
pil_support.layer_to_PIL is renamed to pil_support.extract_layer_image
in order to have the same API for pil_support and pymaging_support.

0.6 (2012-11-06)

psd.composite_image() is renamed to psd.as_PIL();
Pymaging support: psd.as_pymaging() and layer.as_pymaging() methods.

0.5 (2012-11-05)

Support for zip and zip-with-prediction compression methods is added;
support for 16/32bit layers is added;
optional Cython extension for faster zip-with-prediction decompression;
other speed improvements.

0.2 (2012-11-04)

Initial support for 16bit and 32bit PSD files: psd-tools v0.2 can
read composite (merged) images for such files and extract information
(names, dimensions, hierarchy, etc.) about layers and groups of 16/32bit PSD;
extracting image data for distinct layers in 16/32bit PSD files is not
suported yet;
better Layer.__repr__;
bbox property for Group.

0.1.4 (2012-11-01)
Packaging is fixed in this release.

0.1.3 (2012-11-01)

Better support for 32bit images (still incomplete);
reader is able to handle “global” tagged layer info blocks that
was previously discarded.

0.1.2 (2012-10-30)

warn about 32bit images;
transparency support for composite images.

0.1.1 (2012-10-29)
Initial release (v0.1 had packaging issues).


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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