psd2svg 0.2.3

Creator: railscoder56

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psd2svg 0.2.3

PSD to SVG converter based on psd-tools and svgwrite.

Use pip to install:
pip install psd2svg

The package comes with a command-line tool:
psd2svg input.psd output.svg
When the output path is a directory, or omitted, the tool infers the output
name from the input:
psd2svg input.psd output/ # => output/input.svg
psd2svg input.psd # => input.svg
When --resource-path flag is specified, all png resources are exported
to the path specified by --resource-path:
psd2svg input.psd output.svg --resource-path .
# => output.svg, xxx1.png, ...

psd2svg input.psd output/ --resource-path .
# => output/input.svg, output/xxx1.png, ...

psd2svg input.psd output/ --resource-path=resources/
# => output/input.svg, output/resources/xxx1.png, ...

psd2svg input.psd svg/ --resource-path=../png/
# => svg/input.svg, png/xxx1.png, ...

The package contains high-level conversion function psd2svg:
from psd2svg import psd2svg

# File IO.
psd2svg('path/to/input.psd', 'path/to/output/')

# Stream IO.
with open('input.psd', 'rb') as fi:
with open('output.svg', 'w') as fo:
psd2svg(fi, fo)

# psd_tools IO.
from psd_tools import PSDImage
psd = PSDImage.load('path/to/input.psd')
svg = psd2svg(psd)

# Additionally, individual layers can be directly rendered.
layer_svg = psd2svg(psd[3])
The package also has rasterizer module to convert SVG to PIL Image:
from psd2svg.rasterizer import create_rasterizer

rasterizer = create_rasterizer()
image = rasterizer.rasterize(svg)'path/to/output.png')
The rasterizer requires one of Selenium + ChromeDriver, Apache Batik, or
Inkscape. Make sure to install them beforehand.

Invoke tox:

Storage backend support
To use AWS S3 storage backend:
pip install psd2svg[s3]
pip install boto3
The tool can specify URL instead of file path (S3 requires boto3):
psd2svg s3://bucketname/path/to/input.psd s3://bucketname/path/to/output/
To use HDFS storage backend:
pip install psd2svg[hdfs,kerberos]


SVG 1.1 does not cover all the blending modes in Photoshop (e.g.,
Filter effects are approximation. Some effects are not implemented.
Most of adjustments layers are not implemented.
Smart object filters are not implemented.
Browser support: SVG rendering quality greatly differs depending on the
browser. Chrome tends to be the best quality.
APIs of this tool is NOT thread-safe.
To use HDFS storage backend, Python 2.7 environment is needed
and should be Kerberos-enabled and only read access is available.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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