Creator: railscoder56

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PlayStation Network API Wrapper Python (PSNAWP)
Retrieve User Information, Trophies, Game and Store data from the PlayStation Network

Coverage Report FileStmtsMissCoverMissingsrc/psnawp_api   init.py20100%    psnawp.py4022 95%src/psnawp_api/core   init.py40100%    authenticator.py1291919 85%   psnawp_exceptions.py110100%    request_builder.py6599 86%src/psnawp_api/models   init.py70100%    client.py7322 97%   game_title.py2622 92%   group.py5388 85%   search.py1504242 72%   title_stats.py7533 96%   user.py7922 97%src/psnawp_api/models/listing   init.py20100%    pagination_iterator.py5644 93%src/psnawp_api/models/trophies   init.py60100%    trophy.py13099 93%   trophy_constants.py300100%    trophy_group.py9233 97%   trophy_summary.py2711 96%   trophy_titles.py8822 98%   utility_functions.py70100% src/psnawp_api/utils   init.py30100%    endpoints.py20100%    misc.py50100% TOTAL116210891% 

How to install
From PyPI
pip install PSNAWP

Important Links

Read the Docs:

Getting Started
To get started you need to obtain npsso <64 character code>. You need to follow the following steps

Login into your My PlayStation account.
In another tab, go to
If you are logged in you should see a text similar to this

{"npsso":"<64 character npsso code>"}

This npsso code will be used in the api for authentication purposes. The refresh token that is generated from npsso lasts about 2 months. After that you have to get a new npsso token. The bot will print a warning if there are less than 3 days left in refresh token expiration.
Following is the quick example on how to use this library
from psnawp_api import PSNAWP
from psnawp_api.models import SearchDomain
from psnawp_api.models.trophies import PlatformType

psnawp = PSNAWP("<64 character npsso code>")

# Your Personal Account Info
client =
print(f"Online ID: {client.online_id}")
print(f"Account ID: {client.account_id}")
print(f"Profile: {client.get_profile_legacy()} \n")

# Your Registered Devices
devices = client.get_account_devices()
for device in devices:
print(f"Device: {device} \n")

# Your Friends List
friends_list = client.friends_list()
for friend in friends_list:
print(f"Friend: {friend} \n")

# Your Players Blocked List
blocked_list = client.blocked_list()
for blocked_user in blocked_list:
print(f"Blocked User: {blocked_user} \n")

# Your Friends in "Notify when available" List
available_to_play = client.available_to_play()
for user in available_to_play:
print(f"Available to Play: {user} \n")

# Your trophies (PS4)
for trophy in client.trophies("NPWR22810_00", PlatformType.PS4):

# Your Chat Groups
groups = client.get_groups()
first_group_id = None # This will be used later to test group methods
for id, group in enumerate(groups):
if id == 0: # Get the first group ID
first_group_id = group.group_id

group_info = group.get_group_information()
print(f"Group {id}: {group_info} \n")

# Your Playing time (PS4, PS5 above only)
titles_with_stats = client.title_stats()
for title in titles_with_stats:
f" \
Game: {} - \
Play Count: {title.play_count} - \
Play Duration: {title.play_duration} \n"

# Other User's
example_user_1 = psnawp.user(online_id="VaultTec-Co") # Get a PSN player by their Online ID
print(f"User 1 Online ID: {example_user_1.online_id}")
print(f"User 1 Account ID: {example_user_1.account_id}")


# Example of getting a user by their account ID
user_account_id = psnawp.user(account_id="9122947611907501295")
print(f"User Account ID: {user_account_id.online_id}")

# Messaging and Groups Interaction
group = # This is the first group ID we got earlier - i.e. the first group in your groups list
print(group.get_conversation(10)) # Get the last 10 messages in the group
print(group.send_message("Hello World"))
print(group.change_name("API Testing 3"))
# print(group.leave_group()) # Uncomment to leave the group

# Create a new group with other users - i.e. 'VaultTec-Co' and 'test'
example_user_2 = psnawp.user(online_id="test")
new_group =[example_user_1, example_user_2])
# You can use the same above methods to interact with the new group - i.e. send messages, change name, etc.

# Searching for Game Titles
search ="GTA 5", search_domain=SearchDomain.FULL_GAMES)
for search_result in search:

Note: If you want to create multiple instances of psnawp you need to get npsso code from separate PSN accounts. If you generate a new npsso with same account your previous npsso will expire immediately.
All bug reposts and features requests are welcomed, although I am new at making python libraries, so it may take me a while to implement some features. Suggestions are welcomes if I am doing something that is an unconventional way of doing it.
This project was not intended to be used for spam, abuse, or anything of the sort. Any use of this project for those purposes is not endorsed. Please keep this in mind when creating applications using this API wrapper.
This project contains code from PlayStationNetwork::API and PSN-PHP Wrapper that was translated to Python. Also, special thanks @andshrew for documenting the PlayStation Trophy endpoints. All licenses are included in this repository.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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