psquared-client 3.2.1

Creator: railscoder56

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psquaredclient 3.2.1

psquared_client project
The psquared_client project contains both the psquared_client package that
provides a python interface to a PSqaured server, and the pp-cli command line
interface that uses that package to all copmmand line access to the server.
pp-cli executable
More details about the pp-cli executable can be found using its help option
pp-cli -h

but here are some examples of retrieving information.
(Note: unless you are using the default local PSquared server you will need to the the environmental
variable PP_APPLICATION to point the server you want to use.)

To list the currently active configurations

To list the known versions of a given configuration
pp-cli -i <configuration>

To display the current state of one or more items for a configuration/version.
pp-cli -i -V <version> <configuration> item ...

To display the history of one or more items for a configuration/version.
pp-cli -H -V <version> <configuration> item ...

As an alternate, the list of items to be acted upon can be supplied in a file with one item per line.
Thus the following displays the current state of a set of items listed in a file for a configuration/version.
pp-cli -i -f <file> -V <version> <configuration>

Here are some examples of commands that affect the state of PSquared.
(Note: you may need an authorized certificate to execute these types of commands.)

To submit one or more items for processing with a configuration/version.
pp-cli -i -s -V <version> <configuration> item ...

To resolve the failure of one or more items for a configuration/version.
pp-cli -i --resolve -V <version> <configuration> item ...

The other transitions, submit, cancel, reset, 'abandonandrecover` have similar options.

psquared_client package
The psquared_client package provides the PSquared class that can be used to
access a PSqaured server and a Display module that can display the responses
of a PSquared server in a readable format.
PSquared class
The PSquared class provides various documents in reponse to a request to the
PSquared server. The documents are in the form of a standard python
ElementTree. Currently the following methods are supported.

get_application - returns the application document at the URL
get_configuration - returns the configuration document the named configuration
get_report - returns the requested report document
execute_submissions - submits a list of items for processing
execute_transitions - execute a transition for a list of items

Display module
The Display modules provides various methods for displaying the reponses that
result from a request to the PSquared server. Currently the following methods
are supported.

configurations - displays all the configurations contained in an application document
versions - displays all the versions of a named configuration
entry - displays the state of a given item
info - displays the states of a set of items contained in a report
histories - displays the history of one or more items contained in history document


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