PsycoSpans 1.0.0

Creator: railscoder56

Last updated:

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PsycoSpans 1.0.0

Psycospans brings support for Spans to
PsycopSpans work by wrapping psycopg2’s connect() function and set the
connection up for handling Spans’ range types.
from psycospans import connect

conn = connect("dbname=test")
cur = conn.cursor()

test_range = intrange(1, 10)
cur.execute("SELECT int4range(5, NULL), %s", (test_range,))

other_range, test_range_cmp = cur.fetchone()

test_range == test_range_cmp # True
other_range == intrange(5) # True

Psycospans will only work with PostgreSQL 9.2 or later.

Psycospans exists on PyPI. Note that you must install psycopg2 manually.
This is because you may use either psycopg2 or psycopg2-binary.
pip install psycospans psycopg2-binary

For full doumentation please run pydoc psycospans from a shell.


Version 1.0.0
Released on 9th October 2018

Added wheel
Moved unit tests out of package
Removed explicit dependency on psycopg2 since one may want to use
Removed Python 3.3 support. Requires 2.7 or 3.4 or greater
Removed Tox usage for development
Use pytest to run test suite

Version 0.1.1
Released on 23rd August 2018

Fixed compatibility issue with Psycopg >= 2.5
Improved Python 3 compatibility

Version 0.1.0
Released on 12th June 2014

Initial release


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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