ptfgen 1.0.3

Creator: railscoder56

Last updated:

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ptfgen 1.0.3

Code generator for Flutter apps
Install using pip3:
Open Terminal and run:
$ brew install python

$ pip3 install ptfgen

$ pip3 install -U ptfgen

$ pip3 uninstall ptfgen

1. Create Template:
1.1. Base Template:
The Base Template contains necessary files for a screen using the Flutter Clean Architecture pattern.
Open Terminal, navigate to your flutter project folder you want to save the files and run:
$ ptfgen template base <Scene_Name>

$ ptfgen template base LoginEmail

Successfully created files:

2. Create models from JSON:
Copy the json then run the command:
$ ptfgen json <Model_Name> [-p]

-p, --print: print the result.
Copy the json:
{"name":"Shyam", "email":""},
{"name":"Bob", "email":""},
{"name":"Jai", "email":""}

then run:
$ ptfgen json Company

The result has been copied to the pasteboard.

Content in the pasteboard:
import 'package:pt_object_mapper/pt_object_mapper.dart';

/// Remember register to Mappable.factories
/// Mappable.factories[Employee] = () => Employee();

class Employee with Mappable {
String name;
String email;

void mapping(Mapper map) {
map("name", name, (v) => name = v);
map("email", email, (v) => email = v);

/// Remember register to Mappable.factories
/// Mappable.factories[Company] = () => Company();

class Company with Mappable {
List<Employee> employees;

void mapping(Mapper map) {
map<Employee>("employees", employees, (v) => employees = v);

3. Create a mock class for a protocol/function:
Copy the abstract/function then run:
$ ptfgen mock [-p]

-p, --print: print the result.
Copy the abstract:
abstract class SignUpEmailUseCaseType {
Stream<User> signUpWithEmail(String email, String password);
ValidationResult validateEmail(String email);
ValidationResult validatePassword(String password);

then run:
$ ptfgen mock

The result has been copied to the pasteboard.

Content in the pasteboard:
class SignUpEmailUseCaseMock implements SignUpEmailUseCaseType {

/// signUpWithEmail

var signUpWithEmail_Called = false;
var signUpWithEmail_ReturnValue = Stream<User>.value(null);

Stream<User> signUpWithEmail(String email, String password) {
signUpWithEmail_Called = true;
return signUpWithEmail_ReturnValue;

/// validateEmail

var validateEmail_Called = false;
var validateEmail_ReturnValue = ValidationResult.valid();

ValidationResult validateEmail(String email) {
validateEmail_Called = true;
return validateEmail_ReturnValue;

/// validatePassword

var validatePassword_Called = false;
var validatePassword_ReturnValue = ValidationResult.valid();

ValidationResult validatePassword(String password) {
validatePassword_Called = true;
return validatePassword_ReturnValue;


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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