ptkcmd 0.1.3

Creator: railscoderz

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ptkcmd 0.1.3

View API documentation
ptkcmd adapts the built-in standard library module to use prompt-toolkit instead of readline
Constructor inputs:
from ptkcmd import PtkCmd, Completion, complete_files
class MyCmd(PtkCmd):
prompt='MyPtkCmd$ ' #change the prompt
def __init__(self,stdin=None,stdout=None,intro=None,


stdin, stdout, intro are as defined in the standard library
If interactive is True, then the prompt-toolkit prompt() method will be utilized from a PromptSession.
If interactive is False, then the prompt will be written to stdout and a line read from stdin
If do_complete_cmd is True, then completion will be performed for the initial command of each line against the list of known commands.
If do_complete_cmd is False, no completion will be attempted for the initial command.
In either case, completion can be attempted for the arguments according to any 'complete_' methods defined.
If default_shell is False, then receiving a command that does not have a "do_" method will result in writing an error to self.stdout.
If default_shell is True, then the command will be used as an input to The shell input to run() will be False.
If additional keyword arguments are provided, they will be passed to the PromptSession constructor that is used for prompts.
The only PromptSession keyword argument not allowed is 'completer'.
The following snippet defines a command named 'mycmd'.
The args input is the list of arguments entered after the command.
class MyCmd(PtkCmd):

def do_mycmd(self,args)
self.stdout.write('mycmd args were %s\n' % repr(args))

def complete_mycmd(self,prev_args,curr_arg,document,complete_event):
yield from complete_files(curr_arg)

Regarding the completion method,
prev_args = the arguments prior to the current one being completed
curr_arg = the current argument being completed.
curr_arg may be an empty string or the start of an argument that from the list of completable arguments.
document and complete_event are as defined in the prompt-toolkit
The completion method must yield Completion objects as defined in prompt-toolkit:
text = a suggested completion
start_position = non-positive number representing
how many characters from the cursor to go back
and overwrite.
complete_files(curr_arg,path=None) provides the a filename completer
Typing 'help mycmd' will show the docstring of do_mycmd().
To add miscellaneous help topics, define a help function:
class MyCmd(PtkCmd):

def help_mytopic(self):
This is a help topic named 'mytopic'.
All topics declared in this way will show up when the help
command is invoked.

Typing 'help mytopic' will execute the help function, which
typically will write some text to self.stdout
self.stdout.write('You called help for mytopic\n')


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