ptop 1.0

Creator: railscoderz

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ptop 1.0

# ptopAn awesome task manager written in python. A more awesome top like thing in your terminal !![ptop-image](> Inspired by [vtop]( Some Screenshots<img src="" alt="ptop usage 01"/><img src="" alt="ptop usage 02" />## Installation`ptop` is compaible with both Python2.x and Python3.x and is tested on Linux and MaxOSx (should be invoked as root) environments.```bashpipinstallptop‘‘‘or‘‘‘bash git clone pip install -r requirements.txt # install requirementsYou can't use 'macro parameter character #' in math modeYou can't use 'macro parameter character #' in math mode pip install --upgrade ptop```## Usage```bashptop ptop -t <theme> # custom themeYou can't use 'macro parameter character #' in math modeYou can't use 'macro parameter character #' in math mode ptop -h # help```## Features- Killing a process :heavy_check_mark:- Showing system ports and files used by a process :heavy_check_mark:- Network Monitor :heavy_check_mark:- Process search :heavy_check_mark:- Sorting on the basis of process lifetime and memory used :heavy_check_mark:- Responsiveness with terminal :heavy_check_mark:- Custom refresh times for different stats like memory info, process info etc :heavy_check_mark:- Rolling version updates :heavy_check_mark:For suggesting new features please add to this [issue]( Supported themes- `colorful` - `elegant` - `simple` - `dark` - `light` ## Developing ptop```bashgitclone cd ptop pipinstall−rrequirements.txt python develop```**Note :** ptop will create a log file called `.ptop.log` in the home directory of the user.## Contributions Guide- Pull requests are awesome and always welcome. Please use the [issue tracker]( to report any bugs.- For starters, we have filtered some [newbie issues]( Feel free to shoot your queries at the ptop [gitter]( channel.## Main modules :- `ptop.core` : Defines a basic `Plugin` class that other plugins in the `ptop.plugins` inherit.- `ptop.interfaces` : The interface to the ptop built using npyscreen.- `ptop.plugins` : This module contains all the plugin sensors supported i.e `Disk Sensor`,`Memory Sensor`,`Process Sensor`, etc. ( Any new plugin should be added here).- `ptop.statistics` : Generate continuous statistics using background thread jobs by locating plugins in the plugins directory.- `ptop.utils` : Custom thread classes.## Main Dependencies- [npyscreen]( [psutil]( [drawille]( Contributors * **[vinusankars](*** **[Deepak Narayanan](*** **[Smeet Vora](*** **[Santiago Castro](*** **[Yu-Jie Lin](**For details please check []( License MIT © [Ankush Sharma](


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