ptv-python-wrapper 0.2.0

Creator: railscoder56

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ptvpythonwrapper 0.2.0

Public Transport Victoria (PTV) Python API Wrapper
Python3 API Wrapper for Public Transport Victoria (
For the full API Documentation as well as information on how to request an API key, check out PTV Documentation and Swagger
$ pip install ptv-python-wrapper

Instantiate client by passing in Developer ID and API Key from PTV
from ptv.client import PTVClient

client = PTVClient(DEV_ID, API_KEY)

Get Departures from Stop
View departures from a stop
route_type : integer
Number identifying transport mode; values returned via RouteTypes API
stop_id : integer
Identifier of stop; values returned by Stops API

Optional Parameters
route_id : string
Identifier of route; values returned by RoutesAPI - v3/routes
platform_numbers : Array[integer]
Filter by platform number at stop
direction_id : integer
Filter by indentifier of direction of travel; values returned by Directions Api - /v3/directions/route/{route_id}
look_backwards : boolean
Indicates if filtering runs (and their departures) to those that arrive at destination before date_utc (default = false). Requires max_results > 0.
gtfs : boolean
Indicates that stop_id parameter will accept "GTFS stop_id" data
date_utc : string
Filter by the date and time of the request (ISO 8601 UTC format) (default = current date and time)
max_results : integer
Maximum number of results returned
include_cancelled : boolean
Indicates if cancelled services (if they exist) are returned (default = false) - metropolitan train only
expand : Array[string]
List objects to be returned in full (i.e. expanded) - options include: all, stop, route, run, direction, disruption

Departures : dict
Dictionary of departures

client.get_departure_from_stop(0, 1071)

Get Directions for Route
View directions for route
route_id : int
Identifier of route; values returned by Routes API - v3/routes

Optional Parameters
route_type : int
Number identifying transport mode; values returned via RouteTypes API

Directions : dict
Dictionary of directions


Get Route for Direction
View Routes for Direction
direction_id : int
Identifier of direction of travel; values returned by Directions API - /v3/directions/route/{route_id}

Routes : dict
All routes that travel in the specified direction.


Get Disruptions
View all disruptions
Optional Parameters
route_id : int
Identifier of route; values returned by Routes API - v3/routes
stop_id : int
Identifier of stop; values returned by Stops API - v3/stops
disruption_status : str
Filter by status of disruption

disruptions : dict
All disruption information (if any exists).


View a specific disruption
View a specific disruption
disruption_id : int
Identifier of disruption; values returned by Disruptions API - /v3/disruptions OR /v3/disruptions/route/{route_id}

disruptions : dict
Disruption information for the specified disruption ID.


Get all disruption modes
Get all disruption modes
modes : dict
Disruption specific modes


List ticket outlets
List ticket outlets
Optional Parameters
latitude : int
Geographic coordinate of latitude
longitude : int
Geographic coordinate of longitude
max_distance : int
Maximum number of results returned
max_results : int
Maximum number of results returned (default = 30)

outlets : dict
Ticket outlets


View the stopping pattern for a specific trip/service run
View the stopping pattern for a specific trip/service run
run_id : int
Identifier of a trip/service run; values returned by Runs API - /v3/route/{route_id} and Departures API
route_type : int
Number identifying transport mode; values returned via RouteTypes API
expand : Array[str]
Objects to be returned in full (i.e. expanded) - options include: all, stop, route, run, direction, disruption. By default disruptions are expanded.

Optional Parameters
stop_id : int
Filter by stop_id; values returned by Stops API
date_utc : str
Filter by the date and time of the request (ISO 8601 UTC format)

pattern : dict
The stopping pattern of the specified trip/service run and route type.

client.get(12345, 0, ['all'])

View route names and numbers for all routes
View route names and numbers for all routes
Optional Parameters
route_types : Array[int]
Filter by route_type; values returned via RouteTypes API
route_name : str
Filter by name of route (accepts partial route name matches)

routes : dict
Route names and numbers for all routes of all route types.


View route name and number for specific route ID
View route name and number for specific route ID
route_id : int
Identifier of route; values returned by Departures, Directions and Disruptions APIs

route : dict
The route name and number for the specified route ID.


View all route types and their names
View all route types and their names
RouteTypes : dict
All route types (i.e. identifiers of transport modes) and their names.


View the trip/service for a specific run ID and route type
View the trip/service for a specific run ID and route type
run_id : int
Identifier of a trip/service run; values returned by Runs API - /v3/route/{route_id} and Departures API

Optional Parameters
route_type : int
Number identifying transport mode; values returned via RouteTypes API

run : dict
The trip/service run details for the run ID and route type specified.

client.get_run(12345, 0)

View all trip/service runs for a specific route ID
View all trip/service runs for a specific route ID
route_id : int
Identifier of route; values returned by Routes API - v3/routes.

Optional Parameters
route_type : int
Number identifying transport mode; values returned via RouteTypes API

runs : dict
All trip/service run details for the specified route ID.


View stops, routes and myki outlets that match the search term
View stops, routes and myki outlets that match the search term
search_term : str
Search text (note: if search text is numeric and/or less than 3 characters, the API will only return routes)

Optional Parameters
route_types : Array[int]
Filter by route_type; values returned via RouteTypes API (note: stops and routes are ordered by route_types specified)
latitude : float
Filter by geographic coordinate of latitude
longitude : float
Filter by geographic coordinate of longitude
max_distance : float
Filter by maximum distance (in metres) from location specified via latitude and longitude parameters
include_addresses : bool
Placeholder for future development; currently unavailable
include_outlets : bool
Indicates if outlets will be returned in response (default = true)
match_stop_by_suburb : bool
Indicates whether to find stops by suburbs in the search term (default = true)
match_route_by_suburb : bool
Indicates whether to find routes by suburbs in the search term (default = true)
match_stop_by_gtfs_stop_id : bool
Indicates whether to search for stops according to a metlink stop ID (default = false)

SearchResponse : dict
Stops, routes and myki ticket outlets that contain the search term (note: stops and routes are ordered by route_type by default).


View facilities at a specific stop (Metro and V/Line stations only)
View facilities at a specific stop (Metro and V/Line stations only)
stop_id : int
Identifier of stop; values returned by Stops API
route_type : int
Number identifying transport mode; values returned via RouteTypes API

Optional Parameters
stop_location : bool
Indicates if stop location information will be returned (default = false)
stop_amenities : bool
Indicates if stop amenity information will be returned (default = false)
stop_accessibility : bool
Indicates if stop accessibility information will be returned (default = false)
stop_contact : bool
Indicates if stop contact information will be returned (default = false)
stop_ticket : bool
Indicates if stop ticket information will be returned (default = false)
gtfs : bool
Incdicates whether the stop_id is a GTFS ID or not
stop_staffing : bool
Indicates if stop staffing information will be returned (default = false)
stop_disruptions : bool
Indicates if stop disruption information will be returned (default = false)

Stop : dict
Stop location, amenity and accessibility facility information for the specified stop (metropolitan and V/Line stations only).

client.get_stop(1071, 0)

View all stops on a specific route
View all stops on a specific route
route_id : int
Identifier of route; values returned by Routes API - v3/routes
route_type : int
Number identifying transport mode; values returned via RouteTypes API

Optional Parameters
direction_id : int
An optional direction; values returned by Directions API. When this is set, stop sequence information is returned in the response.
stop_disruptions : bool
Indicates if stop disruption information will be returned (default = false)

stops : dict
All stops on the specified route.

client.get_stops_for_route(1, 0)

View all stops near a specific location
View all stops near a specific location
latitude : float
Geographic coordinate of latitude
longitude : float
Geographic coordinate of longitude

Optional Parameters
route_types : Array[int]
Filter by route_type; values returned via RouteTypes API
max_results : int
Maximum number of results returned (default = 30)
max_distance : double
Filter by maximum distance (in metres) from location specified via latitude and longitude parameters (default = 300)
stop_disruptions : bool
Indicates if stop disruption information will be returned (default = false)

stops : dict
All stops near the specified location.


If you've found a bug or would like a new feature, please open an issue or create a pull request.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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