
Creator: railscoder56

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A Python-based Discord bot that tracks users from a given server in PUBG to automatically send their post-match stats to a pre-specified Discord channel.

Python 3.5.3 or higher is required

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Discord API key

A Discord application needs to be created in order to create a bot, you can create a new Discord application here
There are two keys for Discord, please disregard the client key and use the bot key
A useful guide on how to create a bot

Discord server & channel IDs

The channel IDs are going to be used by the bot to

Register new users
Send reports for solo, duo and squad PUBG rounds

To acquire an ID for a given channel, please enabled developer mode in your Discord user settings, then simply right click a channel and there will be an option to copy ID

OS X & Linux:
$ python3 -m pip install -U pubg-reports

$ py -3 -m pip install -U pubg-reports

To configure the tokens that are required to run the bot
$ bot-config-tokens

To configure the Discord channels that are required for the bot to send reports at
$ bot-config-channels

To configure the tokens and channels in one go
$ bot-config-all

Running the bot
To run the bot, simply do
$ bot-run


To use the bot, a user must register by typing !reg PUBG-IGN [Case sensitive]

To check all the registered users within the server, type !users

After a PUBG round ends, a user can get the top 3 players kill-wise in that round by typing !top3

Example Match Report

This is how a post match report looks like

Known Issues

A round of PUBG will not get reported for one of the teams if team A is playing against team B and they are both on the same Discord server.
The bot supports up to one Discord server. There are plans to expand the capabilities of the bot to support multi servers.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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