publicator 1.3.0

Creator: railscoder56

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publicator 1.3.0

🗞 Publicator

A better poetry publish experience.

While Poetry finally brings us a sane solution for publishing and maintaining Python packages, many developers crave for a more enhanced and safer user experience. Publicator aims to offer a convenient method for publishing your everyday libraries.
Publicator has been inspired by Sindre Sorhus' excellent np package for Node.js ecosystem and graciously funded by Futurice Spice Program.
Table of Contents


Preview Mode (Dry-Run)
Shell Completion



Ensures you are publishing from your release branch (main and master by default)
Ensures the working directory is clean and latest changes are pulled
Reinstalls dependencies to ensure your project works with the latest dependency tree
Ensures your Python version is supported by the project and its dependencies
Runs the tests with custom test script
Bumps the version in pyproject.toml and creates a Git tag based on it
Publishes the new version to Python Package Index or custom repository
Pushes commits and tags (newly & previously created) to your Git server
If the project is hosted on GitHub opens a prefilled GitHub Releases draft after publishing
Fully configurable via command-line arguments or the pyproject.toml file
See what will be executed with preview mode, without pushing or publishing anything remotely


Python 3.8 or later
Poetry 1.1 or later
Git 2.11 or later

Install or run directly using pipx, which manages an isolated virtual environment for you.
pipx install publicator
pipx run publicator <version>

Alternatively, add it as dependency to your Poetry project.
poetry add --dev publicator
poetry run publicator <version>

Publicator takes one command-line argument indicating the suitable version bump. It follows semantic versioning rules accurately.
# Release a new patch version (e.g. 1.0.0 -> 1.0.1)
publicator patch

# Release a new minor version (e.g. 1.0.1 -> 1.1.0)
publicator minor

# Release a new major version (e.g. 1.1.0 -> 2.0.0)
publicator major

Run publicator --help to see the full list of supported options:
$ publicator --help

Usage: publicator [OPTIONS] version

Handles publishing a new Python package via Poetry safely and conveniently.

version can be a valid semver or one of: patch, minor, major, prepatch,
preminor, premajor, prerelease [required]

-V, --version
--repository name Custom repository for publishing (must be
specified in pyproject.toml)
--any-branch / --no-any-branch Allow publishing from any branch [default:
--clean / --no-clean Ensure you're working with the latest
changes [default: clean]
--tag / --no-tag Create a new tag for Git [default: tag]
--publish / --no-publish Publish the package to the registry
[default: publish]
--push / --no-push Push commits and tags to Git [default:
--test-script TEXT Name of the test script to run under the
current virtual environment [default:
pytest -x --assert=plain]
--template TEXT Commit message template (`%s` will be
replaced with the new version tag)
[default: release: %s]
--release-draft / --no-release-draft
Opens a pre-filled GitHub release page with
browser if the current project is hosted on
GitHub [default: release-draft]
--install-completion [bash|zsh|fish|powershell|pwsh]
Install completion for the specified shell.
--show-completion [bash|zsh|fish|powershell|pwsh]
Show completion for the specified shell, to
copy it or customize the installation.
--help Show this message and exit.

Publicator follows the pleasantly Pythonic way of specifying the configuration within pyproject.toml file. Below are the default configuration values.
any-branch = false
clean = true
publish = true
push = true
release-draft = true
tag = true
template = "release: %s"

Values passed as command-line arguments take precedence over configuration file values.
Configuration enables for more granular usage. For example, in CI/CD pipelines you might want to disable publishing the package to registry or disable creating Git tags depending on your use case.
Preview Mode (Dry-Run)
If you'd rather skip on everything and check what would be executed, you can activate a preview mode via environment variable like so:
PUBLICATOR_PREVIEW=true publicator <version>

Shell Completion
Publicator stands on the shoulders of Typer, which is a robust CLI library for Python. You can generate TAB completions for common shells such as Bash, ZSH, Fish, and Powershell.
publicator --install-completion <shell>

See here for instructions.


For personal and professional use. You cannot resell or redistribute these repositories in their original state.

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